Western European OTT TV episode and movie revenues will reach U$45 billion in 2027; up from $26 billion in 2021, according to figures produced by Digital TV Research.
According to the research outfit, the UK will contribute US$4 billion to the additional revenue pile, compared to Germany’s US$3 billion, France’s US$3 billion and Italy’s US$2 billion.
Digital TV Research says that the UK is the largest OTT revenue earner in the region currently. Its US$6 billion provided 24% of the 2021 total. However, the UK’s US$10 billion in 2027 will represent 22% of the region’s total – meaning that other countries are expected to grow faster.
SVOD subscriptions are predicted to reach 258 million by 2027, up from 164 million by end-2021. Four countries will provide two-thirds of the total. Germany will overtake the UK in 2026.
Simon Murray, principal analyst at Digital TV Research, said: “SVOD far exceeds any other revenue source for Western Europe. SVOD will increase by $13 billion between 2021 and 2027 to $30 billion. AVOD will add $6 billion to reach $12 billion.”
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