KALBAR LATEST – Analog TV broadcasts will be discontinued on April 30, 2022 and replaced with digital TV broadcasts, making Set Top Boxes to be sought after.Set Top Box is a tool for converting digital signals into pictures and sounds that can be displayed on ordinary Analog TVs.By using a Set Top Box or commonly abbreviated as STB, to capture digital broadcasts, you no longer need a satellite dish.If you want to buy a Set Top Box, make sure the STB you choose is a recommendation from Kominfo, because apart from being safe, its features can function optimally.Also Read: WANT to Get a Free Set Top Box from the Government?Just Complete the Following TermsThen how to install and set this STB on Analog TV?Check out the explanation of how to install an STB on an Analog TV quoted from Kliktekno:How to install Set Top box on Analog TV or Tube TVPrepare the Antenna cable, connect it to the antenna and attach the other end to the ANT IN Port on the STB.Jl.Nawawi Hasan 2 GG.Matan 3 No.65. Perum II.Sungai Beliung Village, West Pontianak, West Kalimantan.Phone : 0896-8952-8218 Email : terlkalbar@gmail.comPT Collaboration Mediapreneur Nusantara Jl.Asia Africa No.75 Bandung - West Java, 40111, Ph.022-4241600 Email: prmnnewsroom@minded-rakyat.com©2022 Minds of the People Media Network