Top 3 Techno News Yesterday: Age of Instagram Users, Willing to Leave PTN Bench - engteco_news

2022-06-24 23:50:02 By : Mr. Peter Li

TEMPO.CO , Jakarta - Top 3 Techno News Yesterday, Friday, June 24, 2022, culminated in an Instagram article that was testing a new way to verify the age requirements of its users.Officially, Instagram stipulates that users must be at least 13 years old, but it doesn't seem to do much to enforce that rule.The second most popular news is tips on how to get free set top box assistance from the government in the Analog Switch Off program.The process includes Check for Social Assistance in the Playstore application.After the validation process, free STB is among the types of social assistance that can be applied for.The third most popular news came from a series of announcements of the 2022 SBMPTN results. Shabrina, a student at Madrasah Aliyah Amanatul Ummah Pacet, Mojokerto, East Java, was among those who passed the selection and got a PTN bench.However, the 20-year-old woman said she was willing to let her go again.Here are the Top 3 Techno News Yesterday, Friday 24 June 2022, in full,Instagram is testing a new way to verify the age of its users.The application belongs to Meta, which was originally built to share photos or images while simultaneously testing Yoti, a third party that offers artificial intelligence to be able to estimate how old a user is just by scanning their faces.Officially, Instagram stipulates that users must be at least 13 years old.However, over the years the company has seen little effort to enforce the rules.Until 2019, the app didn't even bother asking for the birthday of a newly registered user, let alone trying to verify the information.Instagram will ask your age to continue using the app.Credit: InstagramHowever, after being criticized by privacy and child safety experts, Instagram has introduced more age verification features, as well as methods to separate younger users from adults.Currently, Instagram asks users for age verification only when teens try to edit their date of birth to show they are 18 years or older.With the distribution of free set top boxes, the government is actively working on the migration of analog TV broadcasts to digital TV in stages.In this case, the poor will get a free set top box from Kominfo.So, how and what are the conditions?The Minister of Communication and Information Johnny G Plate said that there were 6.7 million poor people who were targeted to get a free Set Top Box (STB).The Ministry of Communication and Informatics has set three stages of migration from analog TV to digital TV, namely the first stage on April 30, 2022, the second stage on August 25 2022, and the third stage on November 2, 2022.Shabrina, a student at Madrasah Aliyah Amanatul Ummah Pacet, Mojokerto, East Java, was one of 192,810 people who were declared to have passed the 2022 Joint Selection for Higher Education Entrance (SBMPTN). .Sabrina was declared to have passed the Computer-Based Written Examination Joint Selection for State University Entrance (UTBK SBMPTN) 2022 in the Industrial Engineering study program, Universitas Brawijaya (UB).Industrial Engineering is the second choice, while the first choice is the UB Medical Education study program.The atmosphere of the SBMPTN test room at the University of Indonesia, Depok, Thursday, May 19, 2022. The University of Indonesia (UI) is holding a Computer-Based Written Examination for the Joint Selection of State Universities (UTBK SBMPTN) 2022, the implementation of UTBK is divided into two waves where the first wave (17-22) 23 May) and the second wave (28-3 June 2022).Tempo/Muhammad Syauqi Amrullah'"I really want to be a doctor.My parents also supported me to major in Medicine.So, I'm still trying to take part in the independent selection at UGM to take the Faculty of Medicine," said Shabrina to Tempo on Friday night, June 24, 2022.The migration of digital TV broadcasts to Analog TV, makes the ears familiar to hear the set top box.Actually, what is a set top box and its function?Shabrina, a student of Madrasah Aliyah Amanatul Ummah, Mojokerto, was one of 192,810 people who passed the 2022 SBMPTN. Not happy with her choice.In this case, the poor will get a free set top box from Kominfo.How and what are the conditions?According to Instagram regulations, users must be at least 13 years old.The question of this rule is tried to be enforced after so many criticisms.Registration for Unpad SMUP or the independent pathway is open until Monday, June 27.So, there is still a chance for you to prepare for registration.The following is the method and schedule for re-registration for the 2022 SBMPTN at UI, ITB, UNPAD, and UNAIR.Check here for favorite campuses that open independent pathways using the 2022 SBMPTN UTBK scoresA total of 1,707 participants were accepted at the University of Indonesia through the 2022 SBMPTN pathway out of a total of 42,440 registrants.There are 20,596 empty seats in the 2022 SBMPTN. Why can tens of thousands of empty seats appear?"Congratulations to UGM for getting a lot of the best seeds," said the LTMPT Chair in the 2022 SBMPTN announcement.