Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Shredder's Revenge — All Secret Collectibles | Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Shredder's Revenge

2022-06-24 23:54:32 By : Ms. Susan Bu

There are 34 secret collectibles to find in Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Shredder's Revenge. These newspaper headlines, VHS tapes, diaries, bugs, crystals, and cameos are cleverly hidden away in most of the game's 16 story episodes. There are none in the auto-scroll levels, however. 

Each collectible is part of a set. Find all of the collectibles in a set, and you can turn them in to various NPCs as special requests for points if you unlock those NPCs in the story. All of these points go toward the character level for whichever character you're using when you find them or turn them in.

Alongside defeating enemies and completing level challenges, turning these in is a good way to get all characters to Level 10 for the No Need for Mutagen! trophy/achievement. A single playthrough on Chill difficulty only takes about three hours, and you can fully level one character and get another roughly halfway. You can carry character progress over when starting a new story playthrough while resetting all of the levels and secrets. 

Finally, getting all secret collectibles will give you the Biggest Fan! and Multitasker trophies/achievements for finding all cameos and completing all special requests. 

Burne Cameo: Go through the level until the four Foot Clan typing at computers at the top of the screen. Go right into the next area, and destroy the shaking door at the top of the screen. 

Classic Headline 1/3: Continue right until you reach a television newsroom with a foot clan symbol in the back and Weather 6 on the right. Just after, in the next area, destroy the box with the foot clan symbol at the top of the screen, to the left of a pizza. This is the same area as the boss room with Bebop, with Krang's head (and Vernon tied up) at the top of the screen. 

Classic Headline 2/3: in front of TV Zone, past the sushi shop near the beginning of the stage, at the top of the screen in a trash can. If you hit the fire hydrant nearby, it will destroy the can, with the collectible on the ground. 

Irma Cameo: Go through the area after, past the car wash, and destroy the door at the top of the screen up the steps, between the two trash bags that are hiding Foot Clan. It's before you go down to continue the stage. 

Secret Diary 1/5: Continue down, and then right. Past the roll-up door where three Foot Clan jump out and there's a pizza, you'll see a blue mailbox at the top of the screen to the left of a parking deck and a blue car. Destroy the mailbox. 

Secret Diary 2/5: Go right at the beginning of the stage, past the Shredder statues to where you first encounter the Foot Clan with whips. There will be a bench with a Toucan on it at the top of the screen near a Foot Clan member eating ice cream. There is a trashcan to the right of the bench. 

Atilla Cameo: Just after this area, you'll see two blue mailboxes at the top of the screen. Smash the second one. 

Disgusting Bug 1/8: After the first stampede, you'll fight some Roadkill Rodney's and shielded Foot Clan while going down. You'll then go through a second stampede and come to an area with Monkeys throwing bananas There will be a trashcan at the top of the screen by the cages. 

Classic Headline 3/3: Go two screens to the right (after Rocksteady gets pulled by the rope), and there will be more Monkeys throwing bananas, Roadkill Rodney's, and plenty of Foot Clan. Destroy the newsstand in the top right corner. 

Secret Diary 3/5: At the beginning of the stage, on the second screen where you first encounter the pink foot clan throwing knives, there will be two newsstands, a recycling bin, and a vending machine. Destroy the newsstands. 

Genghis Cameo: After fighting the Mausers, you'll come to a sewer area. Continue right, past Krang's head, until you see a vault door at the top of the screen, then whack it. 

Disgusting Bug 2/8: After the next area with the Steam coming from the pipes, smash the Foot Clan symbol box in the top right corner. 

Secret Diary 4/5: Smash the brick wall at the beginning of the level. On the other side, in the storeroom with vegetables, destroy the trash can at the top by the fridge, to the left of the taco restaurant.

VHS Tape 1/5: Go through the cafeteria and up the escalator. At your second encounter with the Mace-wielding ninja, there will be two planters and a trash can between them in the middle of the screen. Smash the trash can. 

Napoleon Cameo: Directly after the tape, you'll see a Punk Frogs cardboard cutout at the top of the screen. Hit that. 

Vernon Cameo: Go up the second escalator. After the mechs, you'll enter an arcade. Destroy the popcorn machine at the entrance. 

Disgusting Bug 3/8: Go one screen right from that popcorn machine to find another in the top right with cotton candy hanging above it, next to a desk with a computer and phone.

Secret Diary 5/5: Smash the toolbox at the beginning of the stage, at the top of the second screen, before crossing the first wood bridge spanning the buildings. 

VHS Tape 2/5: Take the elevator up. You'll see Rocksteady and Bebop with part of Krang's android body, then fight white-clad Foot Clan with swords. The area just after has a rectangular hole in the middle. Destroy the toolbox on the top side. 

Disgusting Bug 4/8: Keep going right, past the crane, and you'll encounter some are Foot Clan. After, destroy the small red toolbox next to the large red toolbox at the top of the screen in the next area. 

Rasputin Cameo: When you reach the boardwalk near the beginning, you'll quickly see a hot dog stand at the top of the screen. Destroy it. 

Disgusting Bug 5/8: After encountering the black-clad Foot Clan that throw Sai, you'll go right and down, but bust the trash can by the newsstand in the upper right corner first. 

Disgusting Bug 6/8: After the motorcycles at the beginning of the stage, the screen will shift to show a blue car and trash can at the top of the screen, to the right of a parked cargo truck at the top, as well. Smash the trash can. Three ninjas carrying crates will appear after the car leaves. 

VHS Tape 3/5: After fighting the three Mauser mechs with elastic arms, you'll enter a storage warehouse. Go to the top as soon as you enter and smash the top-most box with a red Foot Clan symbol on it. 

VHS Tape 4/5: You'll come to a trophy room early in the level with a giant moon skull and weapons on the wall. This is also where the first stampede is. Smash the newsstand at the top of the screen, to the right of the skull. 

Disgusting Bug 7/8: Not long after, you'll enter a storage room with dinosaur skeletons and other artifacts. Go up, then right, and you'll see an iron maiden at the top of the screen, with a destructible object near it with this inside. 

Crystal Shard 1/3: Go right, and some ninjas will burst out of a crate. Defeat the enemies and go down. Destroy the Foot Clan symbol box on the right wall for this one. 

Dask Cameo: Go right from there, and two triceratons will bust out of paintings. Defeat the enemies and head right. Destroy the Foot Clan crate at the top of the screen by the pink tent just after. 

Disgusting Bug 8/8: Eventually, you'll pass through a laboratory area with a control station and two chambers on either side. Just after, there will be an area with 9 "turrets" that pop out of the ground and freeze you. Smash the Foot Clan box at the bottom of the screen here.

VHS Tape 5/5: Soon after starting the level, you'll come to an area with a moving turret on a pole and two mechs parked in the wall at the top of the screen. Smash the Foot Clan crate at the top of the screen behind the turret.

Kala Cameo: After the above, you'll quickly come across a room with a rocket engine and drill head at the top of the screen. Smash open the capsule to the right of those. 

Crystal Shard 2/3: Fight General Traag on the elevator, then continue through the areas with the electricity. You'll then need to jump a gap. Do so and destroy the Foot Clan crate at the top of the screen on the other side. 

Zak Cameo: Eventually you'll enter a volcanic area. After a few screens, you'll see a gild Shredder bust on a rock outcropping at the top of the screen. Hit the plant to the right, just before the turrets pop out of the ground.

Crystal Shard 3/3: After the area with the Spike floors, you'll reach an area with crates and many exploding barrels on a rock precipice. Break the Foot Clan crate at the bottom of the screen here. 

And there you go: all of the collectibles and secrets in TMNT: Shredder's Revenge. For more, find out how to unlock Casey Jones or check out our review of Dotemu's bodacious brawler.