Without a Set Top Box or STB Can Watch Digital TV Broadcasts?Check out the easy way here - Around Lampung

2022-07-29 23:15:34 By : Ms. Alice Lu

SEPUTARLAMPUNG.COM – People can enjoy digital TV broadcasts even without the help of a Set Top Box or STB device.Here's the easy way.As is known, Set Top Box (STB) is an electronic device that is now much sought after, along with the migration of analog TV broadcasts to digital TV.This STB is said to be needed by analog TV owners so that they can still enjoy television broadcasts, after the implementation of the digital TV migration or Analog Switch Off (ASO) 2022.The Ministry of Communication and Informatics will carry out the migration of analog TV broadcasts to digital TV in 2022 in stages, starting in several regions and districts in Indonesia.Also Read: How to Use the AKM ANBK 2022 Application for Elementary, Middle, High School, Vocational High School Students Complete Links of Minimum Competency Assessment QuestionsAlthough STB is needed to be able to enjoy digital TV broadcasts, there are several ways to be able to watch digital TV broadcasts without a Set Top Box.To be able to enjoy digital TV broadcasts without using a Set Top Box (STB), people can directly check their television sets.If on the television screen there is a DTV option, then the television can already catch digital TV broadcasts without having to use a Set Top Box.Also Read: 20 Best Twibbon Links Happy Islamic New Year 1 Muharram 1444 H, Post on Social Media on July 30, 2022Jl.Raya Metro Dsn.Sri Agung Rt/Rw 011/006 Tegineneng Pesawaran - Lampung Phone : 081944910230 Email : aroundlampungredaksi@gmail.comPT Collaboration Mediapreneur Nusantara Jl.Asia Africa No.75 Bandung - West Java, 40111, Ph.022-4241600 Email: prmnnewsroom@minded-rakyat.com©2022 Minds of the People Media Network