5 Cheap STBs for Watching Digital TV Broadcasts, Starting from IDR 100,000KOMPAS.com - The policy to stop analog TV broadcasts or Analog Switch Off (ASO) has been rolling since last April and is targeted for completion on November 2, 2022. In ASO, analog TV broadcasts will be switched to digital TV broadcasts.When analog TV broadcasts are turned off, people will only be able to watch digital TV broadcasts.In order to be able to watch digital TV broadcasts, at least the public must have a device that supports the DVB-T2 feature.Also read: When will Analog TV Broadcasting Stop?Check out the latest schemeTo note, DVB-T2 itself is simply a digital signal receiver.DVB-T2 can be found in two models.First, DVB-T2 which is embedded directly in the TV set or also known as digital TV.Second, DVB-T2 which is installed outside the TV set separately or can also be called a Set Top Box (STB).So, people have two options to be able to watch digital TV broadcasts, namely using digital TV or using STB.For a list of digital TVs with prices starting at IDR 1 million, please see more in this article "5 Cheap Smart TVs for Watching Digital TV Broadcasts Without STB".If using digital TV is considered expensive, people can still use STB.As is well known, STB is a device that functions to convert digital signals so that they can be received on ordinary analog TVs.With STB, analog TV can still watch digital TV broadcasts.As a result, people don't have to bother buying new digital TVs to replace their old analog TVs, so they can watch digital broadcasts.STB can be obtained at a relatively cheap price, starting from IDR 100,000 to IDR 200,000.If you are interested in buying an STB, here is KompasTekno's list of cheap STB prices, starting from IDR 100,000.Tokopedia.com/Advan Official Store Illustration of STV Advan Digipro.This STB manufacturer Advan is equipped with DVB-T2 and supports use at Full HD (1080p) resolution.Then, Advan Digipro is also equipped with other connectivity features in the form of USB and HDMI ports.The price of this STB is Rp. 144,000.Also read: List of 42 Digital TV Broadcasts that Can Be Enjoyed in DKI Jakarta and Surrounding AreasLuby.co.id Illustration of STB Luby Digitant.Luby Digitant has the main features of a DVB-T2 receiver.In addition, there are also other connectivity features such as USB 2.0 port support, HDMI port, and WiFi Dongle port (WiFi receiver).The price of this STB is IDR 160,000.matrixparabola.com Illustration of STB Matrix Apple Yellow.Apple Yellow Matrix supports the DVB-T2 feature for watching digital TV broadcasts on a regular analog TV.This STB has been equipped with USB port connectivity features, HDMI, and WiFi Dongle.Yellow Apple Matrix for sale for Rp. 188.000Tokopedia.com/Polytron Official Store Illustration of STB Polytron PDV 600T2.Fourth, there is the Polytron PDV 600 T2.This STB from Polytron has also been equipped with the DVB-T2 feature, as well as other connectivity features such as an HDMI port and a USB port.The Polytron PDV 600 T2 sells for IDR 200,000.Evercoss.com Illustration of Evercoss STB Pro.The next type of STB that has been supported by DVB-T2 is the Evercoss STB Pro.In addition to DVB-T2, this Evercoss STB has also been equipped with the WiFi Dongle feature, so it can be made to access the default YouTube application.The price of this STB is IDR 219,000.Also read: Can All Smart TVs Watch Digital TV Broadcasts?Here's the explanationThat's a list of cheap STB prices from various brands, from IDR 100,000 to IDR 200,000.For additional information, the price list above is sourced directly from several stores in Tokopedia, which may change at any time.Write your comments with the hashtag #JernihBerkomentar and win e-vouchers for 90 winners!Get information and insight selected by Kompas.com editorsDouble check and complete your data.Your data will be used for account verification when you need assistance or when unusual activity is found on your account.Immediately complete your data to join the #JernihBerkomentar program.