Clear the Sneaky Sabotage mission and uncover all Genestamps, K-Drive components, and Chipper's Tools with this in-depth walkthrough.
Warframe's Veilbreaker update gives players the chance to control Kahl-175 once again, a brave Grineer soldier who you controlled during "The New War" quest. Kahl is determined to free his brothers from Narmer, but he'll need your help to do so.
Related: Warframe: Veilbreaker Quest Walkthrough
Sneaky Sabotage is the first of a series of missions from Kahl, unlocked after you complete the "Veilbreaker" quest. Completing this mission will increase your reputation with Kahl, unlocking access to Styanax's parts, new weapons, and even Archon Mods. This guide will walk you through the Sneaky Sabotage mission and where to find every K-Drive part, Veil worker, Genestamp, and Chipper's Parts.
You'll start the mission in a Narmer facility on Venus. Daughter, one of the NPCs in the Necralisk, will guide Kahl through the opening section. Follow the marker on your HUD until you reach a terminal and a floating Sentient camera.
Interact with the panel nearby to control the camera. Use the movement keys to turn the camera around. You'll want to aim the camera at the power box nearby. Interacting with it as a camera will cause a short-circuit, lowering the energy barrier. Proceed to the next room.
This room has yet another terminal for you to use. Control the camera and break the power box to your left. Rotate the camera to your right to break yet another power box. If you look slightly up, you'll see another camera. Interact with it to swap perspectives, allowing you to destroy the power box that's keeping Kahl locked in that room.
You'll need to destroy four locks to unlock the other portion of the Narmer facility. This will require you to use cameras scattered across the level to break hidden power boxes. Locations for each lock are shown below.
You'll break this lock during the intro section. If you didn't interact with the second camera in the level and look slightly to your left.
From Lock #1's camera, exit the room and follow the stairs to Chipper's room. Hack the terminal just outside the room to raise a platform. Enter Chipper's room, then use the terminal to find the second lock on the side of the platform you just raised.
From Lock #2's camera, head north of the factory until you reach another cubic room that's accessible. As before, hack a terminal to raise a platform, then enter the room to control the camera. The lock is on the side of the platform you just raised.
Lock #4 is directly across from Lock #3. To access this lock, you'll need to walk to the other side of the factory and descend a floor. They'll be a terminal you can use to lower the platforms blocking the lock. Once hacked, return to Lock #3's camera. Turn the camera 180 degrees, then interact with the lock.
With the second half of the facility open, it's time to hack into their systems. Follow the waypoint on your HUD to reach a control panel that overlooks the Narmer facility's main generator. This camera will show four symbols in a square formation. Your job is to look for symbols at the corners of the facility and match the symbols with the central console.
Each corner of the room has a symbol etched on the wall. Accessing the symbol can be done using the Sentient cameras. We recommend swapping the symbols in this order to minimize camera swaps:
The sequence worked, and now the entire Narmer facility wants you dead. Grab the Exergis shotgun from the weapon locker behind you, then make your way to the waypoint on your HUD, eliminating any Narmer troops on your way. Interacting with the waypoint will grant the Plasma Torch, a laser-guided marker that will create a massive explosion after a short delay. Use this on the Deacon under you to kill them. Once defeated, make your way to the opposite end of the facility to extract.
Your extraction ship will get intercepted by a Narmer Scyto Raknoid. This enemy has a rather large health pool, but you have access to the Plasma Torch. Shoot the cryo barrels in the arena to freeze the Raknoid, then use the Plasma Torch to deal some serious damage. Rinse and repeat.
It'll eventually explode and become far more aggressive when you remove 50% of its HP. Just continue marking it with the Plasma Torch until it dies. Feel free to use grenades and the Exergis to deal even more damage. Run to your ship to finish the mission.
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Collectible spawns are random. Some locations might not have Solaris Workers in your instance. If you can't find enough of them, restart the mission.
This section doesn't cover every spawn location. Keep your eyes peeled for additional collectibles.
The "Break Narmer Veils" challenge requires you to free five Solaris workers from their Veils. While near any Solaris worker, use your third ability to stun them. Press the interact key to break the Veil from their face.
Chipper always spawns on your first run of this mission.
From the second camera you used to break Lock #1, exit the room and run down the set of stairs. Enter the cube-shaped room nearby to find Chipper.
This worker spawns on the southwest edge of the first half of the facility. From the second camera, book it for the left-most part of the facility. Run down the stairs to a lower level, then enter the adjacent room. The worker will be staring at a wall.
From the last worker's location, use the nearby air vent to reach the next room. A worker can sometimes be found in this room. The next room can also spawn a worker.
While lowering the elevator that's blocking Lock #4, climb up the stairs to your right and enter the cube-shaped room.
Climb up the support rail that runs through the center of the facility (first half of the level). Use the nearby rectangular storage containers to climb up the rail. Follow the rail to find a hidden area. A Solaris Worker can sometimes spawn up here.
When you reach the second half of the facility, hug the northern wall and climb up one set of stairs. A Veiled Solaris Worker will be hiding near a corner.
During the second half of the level, walk under the massive Narmer generator.
A worker can appear right next to the Plasma Torch's spawn location.
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Collectible spawns are random. Some locations might not have Genestamps in your instance. If you can't find enough of them, restart the mission.
This section doesn't cover every spawn location. Keep your eyes peeled for additional collectibles.
"Genestamp Collection" requires you to find and retrieve five Genestamps—a Grineer version of a dog tag. You'll find Genestamps on Grineer corpses scattered across the level. While quite a few Grineer corpses can be found, only a few of them will have retrievable Genestamps.
From the second camera—the one that teaches you how to swap cameras—exit the room to your right and run straight across. A corpse can be found in an adjacent room.
This corpse is found under the staircase that leads to Lock #3's camera (the cube-shaped room further north from Chipper).
After you free Chipper from the Veil, turn around and follow the walkway to your left. At the very end of the path is a Grineer corpse.
This corpse is located directly across from Genestamp Location #2. The path is mirrored on the western part of the facility.
After freeing Chipper, head to the opposite side of the facility. Run down the set of stairs to find a body under the stairs.
From the last corpse, enter the adjacent room. A body can be found inside a crate.
From the last corpse, backtrack to the staircase and enter the air vent. Cross the air vent, run through the next room, then look for a corpse in the second air vent.
During the first half of the mission, head to the northwest part of the facility. You'll find a body hiding behind a crate.
Once you open the second half of the facility, run to the northern end of the complex. A body will be resting beside a storage container.
In the second half of the facility, look for a small ring of Narmer crates near a corner. Jump over the crates to find the corpse.
You can find three corpses near the Narmer facility's generator.
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Collectible spawns are random. Some locations might not have K-Drive Parts in your instance. If you can't find enough of them, restart the mission.
This section doesn't cover every spawn location. Keep your eyes peeled for additional collectibles.
Right after you use the second camera—the tutorial that showcases how to swap cameras—look to the right of the terminal. A K-Drive part occasionally spawns here.
Right after you use the second camera—the tutorial that showcases how to swap cameras—exit the room and look to your right. A K-Drive part can sometimes spawn atop one of the crates.
Make your way to the staircase at the southwest corner of the facility (first half of the level). One of the corners can spawn a K-Drive part.
Use the air vents on the western part of the facility (first half of the level). K-Drive parts can occasionally spawn in them.
Climb up the rail system that runs through the center of the facility (first half of the level). Use the nearby rectangular storage containers to climb up the rail. A K-Drive part will be laying beside a window.
A K-Drive part can spawn during the rekey objective (second half of the level). Before you use the terminal to change the Narmer generator's codes, turn around and look at the nearby table. The K-Drive part spawns atop of it.
This part spawns beside the Plasma Torch, a weapon you grab near the end of the level.
"Get Chipper's Tools" is a challenge that speaks for itself. You'll need to find a toolbox in the Narmer facility and complete the mission. This box's spawn locations are incredibly well-hidden, so we'll only be recommending two spots to check each run. If the box doesn't spawn, restart the mission.
Head to the staircase at the southwest corner of the facility (first half of the level). The toolbox can occasionally spawn under the bottom-most set of stairs.
From the previous location, enter the adjacent room. The end of this small corridor has a cube-shaped room. This room can occasionally spawn the toolbox in a corner. If neither location has the toolbox, restart the mission.
During the first half of the level, climb up the support rail that runs through the center of the facility. You can use the rectangular storage containers to climb up. Once you're atop the rail, follow it until you reach a hidden area. Run down the stairs to find the Somochord fragment.
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Charles Burgar is an expert on all things tech and gaming. Graduating from Pikes Peak Community College in 2018 with an Associate of Science, Charles has spent his time dissecting popular video games, movies, and technology. With an understanding of games for as long as he can remember, Charles has a large interest in understanding what makes things fun. He is currently a Freelance writer for TheGamer and Game Rant.