Digital TV broadcasts can be watched without a set top box, as long as… Page all -

2022-05-14 09:43:22 By : Mr. Johnson Chen

Digital TV Broadcasts Can Be Watched Without a Set Top Box, As long as… - Today, Saturday (30/4/2022), the Government through the Ministry of Communication and Information (Kominfo) began the first stage of stopping analog television (TV) broadcasts or analog switch off (ASO).For this first stage, there are 116 regencies/cities whose analog TV broadcasts will be stopped.The second and third stages are scheduled to take place on August 25, 2022 and November 2, 2022.Instead, people can watch TV broadcasts through digital broadcasts.However, please note that digital broadcasts can only be received by digital TV.Also read: Valid today, this is a list of areas affected by the termination of analog TV broadcastsFor those of you who have an old model TV or analog TV, to capture digital broadcasts, you need an additional set top box (STB) device.For how to use it, see the following link.Now, what also becomes a lot of questions is if the TV you have is a Smart TV or Android TV type, does it still need an additional STB to capture digital broadcasts?Here's the explanation.Unlike analog TV, which must use STB to capture digital broadcasts, Smart TV or Android TV can be directly used to watch digital broadcasts without additional STB.However, it should be underlined that not all Smart TVs and Android TVs already support digital TV broadcasts.Quoted from the official Kominfo website, Smart TV and Android TV can capture digital broadcasts without STB as long as they already have the DVB-T2 feature.If you have a Smart TV or Android TV but don't know if your TV is equipped with the DVB-T2 feature, don't worry.You can check it manually.Dock.Shutterstock Digital TV IllustrationAlso read: Does Smart TV Need a Set Top Box for Digital TV Broadcast?One way that can be done is to check through the official website of the Ministry of Communication and Information at method is as follows:Also read: How to Install STB and Reasons Why You Should Switch to Digital TVApart from checking through the Kominfo page, there are several other ways to check whether a TV already supports digital broadcasting or not.More details can be found in the following article: Want to know whether your TV is digital or not?Here's How To Check ItWell, if after checking your Smart TV or Android TV does not support digital broadcasting, then you need an additional STB device to watch digital broadcasts.For those of you who want to buy an STB device, it is recommended to buy an STB that has been certified by Kominfo.The complete list of STBs that have been certified by the Ministry of Communication and Information can be viewed in full at the following link.(Source: Clinten | Editor: Yudha Pratomo)Write your comments with the hashtag #JernihBerkomentar and win e-vouchers for 90 winners!Get information and insight selected by editorsDouble check and complete your data.Your data will be used for account verification when you need assistance or when unusual activity is found on your account.Immediately complete your data to join the #JernihBerkomentar program.