Propaganda of the Implementation of ASO (Analog Switch Off) and Shifting to Digital Tv Page 1 -

2022-07-29 23:12:30 By : Mr. Kevin Xiong

Compiled To Fulfill Duties 2 Propaganda and Public OpinionSTUDY PROGRAM OF COMMUNICATION SCIENCE FACULTY OF SOCIAL AND POLITICAL SCIENCES JAKARTA NATIONAL UNIVERSITY 2022BackgroundBased on the mandate of the UUD Cipta Karya No. 11 of 2020 which contains "That all analog TV broadcasts no later than November 2, 2022 must be turned off".The government through the Ministry of Communication and Information will migrate analog TV to digital or Analog Switch Off (ASO) in three stages, starting April 30 and ending November 2, 2022. The Ministry of Communication and Information (Kemenkominfo) targets the next November 2, 2022 Analog Switch Off (ASO) completed for all regions.The Ministry of Communications and Informatics revealed that the reason for implementing the analog to digital TV broadcast migration program or Analog Switch Off (ASO), one of which was the efficiency in the use of the frequency spectrum.ASO can also inform about broadcasts no longer getting system disturbances and errors because the system can correct errors in data or signal transmission.This policy will have a big impact for Indonesia in media and broadcasting.Analog TV broadcasts are sometimes unstable and often encounter problems such as system errors in their visuals and audio, this is why we have to switch to digital TV broadcasts and leave analog TV broadcasts, as we know digital TV broadcasts are better than analog TV.The ASO was carried out in 3 stages. The first phase was successfully implemented in 116 cities and regencies throughout Indonesia on April 30, 2022.The second phase of ASO for digital TV migration will be held on August 25, 2022.There are 110 cities and regencies recorded.ASO is a form of program to socialize digital TV so that all Indonesian people from Sabang to Merauke know and understand the existence of changes in technology and this very advanced era.ASO also makes it easier for people to get broadcasts from TV with very good quality in terms of visual quality and audio quality without being charged at all, so people only need to buy small devices that are affordable, cheap and easy to get.Bimtek is a socialization for migration from analog TV to digital TV.This technical guidance is very important to provide information to the community which will later be replaced from analog TV to digital TV.Bimtek will certainly make it easier for all Indonesian people to quickly understand and understand what migration is from analog TV to digital TV, Bimtek will inform people what to do and how.Bimtek will also inform you how to use and apply a small device that is easily available.Bimtek recommends buying a Set Top Box device from now on because the price is still affordable, starting at around Rp.150,000 to Rp.300,000.This Set Top Box is a small device but has incredible sophistication.The majority of Indonesian people watching TV still use analog TV, namely TV that will be replaced with analog TV.According to the Constitution, analog TV will be turned off or changed to digital TV.The cessation of analog TV broadcasts or what is called ASO (Analog Switch OFF) is still many who do not know about it.Why should the analog TV be turned off?Because this is a demand of the times and technology as we are aware.To switch to digital TV, you don't need to change the TV, you only need to add a small device, namely a Set Top Box.Set Top Box is a device for capturing terrestrial broadcasts that are not paid or free to air.Broadcasting institutions will provide free Set Top Box assistance for the poor with clear data at the Ministry of Social Affairs. DiscussionThe legal basis for Article 60A of the WORK COPYRIGHT Law which reads:(1) Broadcasting is carried out by following technological developments, including broadcasting migration from analog technology to digital technology.(2) The migration of terrestrial television broadcasting from analog technology to digital technology as referred to in paragraph (1) and the cessation of analog broadcasting (analog switch off) shall be completed no later than 2 (two) years since the enactment of this Law.(3) Further provisions regarding migration of broadcasting from analog technology to digital technology as referred to in paragraph (1) and paragraph (2) shall be regulated by Government Regulation. Law 11/2020 CONCERNING Job Creation Law 32/2002 concerning Broadcasting Law 36/1999 concerning Telecommunications Government Regulation Regulation of the Minister of Communications and Information Technology Number 5 of 2021 concerning Implementation of Risk-Based Business Licensing PP 46 Number 2021 concerning Post, Telecommunications and Broadcasting Regulation of the Minister of Communication and Information Technology Number 6 of 2021 concerning Broadcasting 4 of 2019 concerning Technical Requirements for Telecommunication Equipment and/or Equipment for the Purpose of Broadcasting Television and Broadcast Radio