Rep: Fauziah Mursid/ Red: Nidia ZurayaThe employee brought a box containing the INTI DVBT2 set top box (STB) at PT Industri Telekomunikasi Indonesia (Persero).Set Top Box assistance will be given to poor households.REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- The Director General (Dirjen) of Village Administration (Pemdes) of the Ministry of Home Affairs (Kemendagri) Yusharto Huntoyungo asked the village government to validate the data on recipients of the Set Top Box (STB) assistance program.The Ministry of Home Affairs asked the Regional Government through the Communication and Information Office (Kominfo) together with the Community and Village Empowerment Service (PMD) to immediately disseminate information to the village government regarding the support for the STB assistance program to the community.This is in accordance with the mandate of the Radiogram Letter of the Minister of Home Affairs (Mendagri) No.978/3406/SJ dated June 15, 2022."The village government should immediately validate the data in accordance with the criteria for the STB assistance program," said Yusharto when giving a speech at the 'Socialization of the Set Top Box Assistance Program at the Village Level in a press release, Friday (6/24/2022).Yusharto asked the district/city governments to submit the collected data to be submitted to the Minister of Home Affairs and the Minister of Communications and Informatics no later than June 30, 2022. "Regency/city governments and village governments during the implementation of STB distribution to coordinate with related parties," he said.Yusharto hopes that through this socialization it will be clearer and a shared commitment will be built in supporting the program for receiving STB assistance to poor households. ," he said.The Ministry of Home Affairs through the Directorate General of Village Government Development, the Directorate General of Population and Civil Registration (Dukcapil), the Directorate General of Regional Financial Development, and the Directorate General of Regional Development (Bangda) said he was ready to assist the Ministry of Communication and Informatics in collecting data on recipients of Digital Television STB assistance.In addition, the Ministry of Home Affairs will assist the Ministry of Communications and Informatics in the process of data collection and verification regarding the recipients of STB assistance in 341 districts/cities throughout Indonesia.The data verification process for the recipients of the STB assistance will take place from June 14 to July 3, 2022.Meanwhile, the Acting Director General of Post and Information Technology (PPI) of the Ministry of Communications and Informatics, Ismail, said that the STB assistance was intended for poor households.He requested that STB recipients are eligible recipients according to the criteria.The criteria for receiving STB assistance are as follows: (1) Poor households, (2) Owning an analog TV set and enjoying terrestrial TV broadcasts, (3) The location of the household is in a digital TV broadcast location, (4) Willing to receive and utilize STB assistance , (5) In one poor household received one STB bantuan"Prospective STB recipients must note that this is intended for poor households, not for households that can afford STB whose price is only in the range of Rp. 200-300 thousand," said Ismail.Why Are There Still Civil Servants Who Like Skipping?Nasdem-Democrat-PKS, Realistic Coalition Refers to Historical RecordsThe State Budget Burden is Very Heavy, the Pertalite Purchase Scheme will soon be Strictly RegulatedKhilafatul Muslims 'Brushed', Congregations Pledge Loyalty to Pancasila and the Unitary Republic of IndonesiaGet Ready for Booster Vaccinations as Travel Requirements If Covid Cases Keep RisingGas stations in Serang Regency commit fraud by modifying the dispenser machine.The long delay in the 2024 presidential election schedule and the inauguration gave rise to two presidents.A total of 125 pilgrims from Sukabumi City were released to go to the Holy Land.EU grants candidate status to Ukraine and MoldovaThe commitment of IKN development funds from investors also continues to experience movement.Phone: 021 780 3747 Fax: 021 799 7903 Email: (Redaksi) (Redaksi) (Marketing)Copyright © 2018, All right reserved