O2 TV will switch 350,000 customers to a new operating system - Lupa.cz

2022-06-18 19:03:56 By : Ms. Jenny Jian

Forgotten password or nameFrom June, O2 TV customers who use the O2 TV set-top box to watch TV will receive a major and important update.All existing and future purchased devices will only work on the Android TV operating system.It will replace the already unsuitable Linux.This is an upgrade of the largest number of set-top boxes in the history of O2 TV.It will affect more than 350,000 customers.So far, it's "just" a change to the operating system.This is not yet a new version of the entire O2 TV that the operator has been talking about since last year.However, the June transition to Android TV will facilitate the entire planned migration.The operator wants to launch the new O2 TV by the end of this year, announcing the exact date in the summer.The transition to Android TV is so unique on a global scale.The operator therefore works closely with Google.In order to make the environment as pleasant as possible for the average O2 TV user, this is not a classic installation of Android TV.The default menu of this operating system, which is known to the owners of smart TVs, will not be seen by a regular O2 TV customer at all.The TV service is deeply integrated into the Android TV environment.O2 TV starts automatically when the set-top box is switched on and cannot be bypassed even by pressing the Menu button on the remote control.Updates for most customers will take place automatically.If they have their set-top box connected to the mains and are at least in standby mode (lit red or green on the display), the update will be downloaded at night."If the set-top box is completely switched off, ie disconnected from the mains, on the day we send them the update, then it is necessary to take into account the time for downloading the update itself when switching on.This can take 5 to 20 minutes, depending on the connection speed, during which this process must not be interrupted, ”describes Josef Dočkal, O2 TV's Product and Innovation Director.When first started after the update, the customer's set-top box performs the entire setup.He will remember his login details to O2 TV or internet connection settings, so the customer does not have to fill in anything.However, you need to click on the information screens required by Google.The customer may or may not log in to a Google Account.If he does not subscribe to it, the functionality of O2 TV will not be affected.The update will take place in several waves, each involving tens of thousands of clients.The operator sends them an information e-mail, a reminder SMS, and also recorded a video with O2 Guru.He also thinks of older customers who typically prefer paper invoices - he will add a clear printed guide to them."We are also ready to advise on an online chat or our line 800 111 000. If a customer who we know is undergoing an upgrade of his set-top box at the time, a virtual assistant will automatically call you, who will guide him and possibly switch him over. to the operator, "says Dana Tomášková, Director of Digital Services and O2 TV.Download: Set-top box update guide (PDF)The new operating system will include the pre-installed HBO Max and O2 Library applications.Customers with the Zlatá tariff or the Kino package will have access to HBO Max.The streaming application will completely replace the existing HBO OD service.The operator does not want to say whether it will establish a similarly significant cooperation with other video libraries."We always have to agree on the terms and conditions with the service provider.We already have some VOD services integrated, such as National Geographic +, but we also talk to other players, "admitted Dana Tomášková.If the user logs in to their Google account, they can also install various other applications from Google Play on the set-top box.It is currently the Android TV 9 operating system, the operator would like to switch to Android TV 10 by the end of the year.HBO OD can still be seen in the Premium section, but the operation of this service will end after all customers switch to Android TV and only HBO Max will be available.The operator also pre-installed Android TV on set-top boxes, which customers buy at the store.However, it is possible that there will still be stocks with the original system, in which case the update will be performed the first time it is switched on.The oldest EKT set-top boxes will not work with Android TV, it is necessary to replace them.With the transition to Android TV, the operator is abandoning the concept of hybrid set-top boxes, which, in addition to Internet services, made it possible to watch classic DVB-T2 broadcasts via an antenna.If you have this SML-5442TW set-top box at home, it will be updated on Android TV.The transition to a new operating system will also bring customers some hardware benefits.The USB port on the set-top box will start working fully to connect an external drive.The viewer will be able to project their own photos and videos.The set-top box will connect to a Bluetooth headset and keyboard, and gamepads will also be supported.Mobile or tablet content mirroring will also be available.Finally, the still inoperative button on the remote control for voice control will find its use.Launches Google Now."It has limited functionality in Czech so far, but the basic commands work, so far mainly on content from Google.He will be able to search for O2 TV content on the new platform, "Josef Dočkal promised.Automatically pre-installed applications on O2 TV with Android TV.The user can install another if they log in with their Google account.But if he doesn't want to use a Google account, O2 TV will work without it.If all goes according to plan, all O2 TV customers should use the Android TV operating system on their set-top boxes in mid-July.It will be possible to postpone the update only once, it is not possible to cancel it.The operator will thus be ready for the long-planned and postponed transition to the new generation of O2 TV.It will work both on the current updated set-top boxes and on the planned completely new set-top boxes, which are yet to go on sale.Do you want to have an overview of current articles from Lupa in your e-mail every morning?Order our e-mail service and you will not miss any important information.You can also order a weekly overview or the newsletter The main, Friday summary of the most important articles from all our servers.Subscribe to the newsletterMedia journalist.Long-term participant and observer of the Czech media circus.He worked at Marketing & Media, Hospodářské noviny and Czech Radio.We give the Internet content.