New Digital TV: A Guide to Turning Off. What changes from March 8 - Chronicle

2022-03-26 06:33:23 By : Mr. Leo Wang

Rome, March 6, 2022 – as stipulated in the decree of the Ministry of Economic Development of December 21, 2021, From March 8 2022 activation file Video encoding Mpeg-4 (H.264 / Mpeg-4 Avc), which will replace the now obsolete Mpeg-2, to transmit all programs of national television broadcasters. The process has already started from October 20, 2021. Lo turn off Next Tuesday is one of the main steps of the government’s roadmap to move to New digital TV Which will be completed in 2023 with the adoption of the latest generation of transmission standards on the European DVB Union Digital Terrestrial Platform (DVB-T2 – Digital Video Broadcasting – Terrestrial 2nd generation). The DVB-T2 (Digital Video Broadcasting – Second Generation Terrestrial) is the latest generation of broadcast standard on the European DVB Union’s digital terrestrial platform. The transition to the new standard will allow for better visual quality andvery accurate At the disposal of the European Community, due to the exponential growth in demand for mobile data traffic, the release of frequencies in the range 694-790 MHz, the so-called “band 700′For 5G mobile services.

The channels Which will be broadcast in Mpeg-4 and will be visible in high quality will be placed between the number 1 and 9 and number 20 from TV remote control. For example, the Rai 1 HD channel, currently visible at number 501, will be moved to number 1. All channels that will be broadcast with the new Mpeg-4 encoding can only be viewed correctly by Televisions And the untie able to supportHD (very accurate).

The reorganization in Italy will involve all national and local networks and programmes. By June 2022, terrestrial platform television viewing will be fully involved in frequency changes and programs will have to evolve towards more efficient transmission and coding standards.

If you don’t have a TV or decoder compatible with the new standard, there’s still plenty of time to update your hardware. Mise left to network operators the right to simultaneously broadcast programs encoded in Mpeg-2. Channels transmitted in legacy coding will be placed in other available higher numbering ranges, possibly from 500 onwards where HD channels currently exist. until the December 31, 2022 – The date when the Mpeg-2 encoding will be completely eliminated – so it will be possible to continue watching some channels with old TVs without the need for a decoder. Even if your device supports MPEG-4, March 8 is still needed re The channels.

The Italian TVs It’s been MPEG-4 compatible for over ten years, so most devices should be equipped with it by now. According to Mise’s estimates, there are still about 10 million TV sets left at MPEG-2. It is possible to check if your TV will overcome this first shutdown unharmed by trying to watch already available channels in HD: eg 501 for Rai 1 HD, 505 for Canale 5 HD, 507 for La7 HD. If at least one HD channel appears, this means that your TV can support Mpeg-4 encoding. Otherwise, to be able to continue watching entire TV shows, it will be replace your TV or get untie.

Provided protection for families with Understood as far as 20 thousand euros By providing a TV bonus – set-top box, which will be recognized in the form of a discount of 30 euros on the sale price of a new TV or external set-top box compatible with DVB-T2 standards – HEVC Main10 – or standards that will become effective from January 2023 – also in connection with the purchase of Decoder for satellite receiver. To receive the discount, citizens will have to submit a complete application to the seller for a replacement permit. There is only one bonus per household for purchasing one device (TV or decoder). The reward will be available until December 31, 2022 o Exhaustion of €151 million in stimulus for 2019-2022.

The bonus consists of a 20% discount on the priceBuying a new TVA maximum 100 EUR. The incentive will be available until December 31, 2022 Or to exhaust the allocated resources. You can take advantage of the discount by canceling a TV simultaneously purchased before December 22, 2018, which is the effective date of the HEVC MAIN 10 coding standard that will be adopted from 2023. The scrapping incentive is aimed at all citizens residing in Italy. Unlimited Easy. To benefit from the contribution, it is necessary to have 3 requirements: to be residing in Italy; scrape properly a TV was purchased before December 22, 2018; be compatible with Pay subordinate canon for broadcast service. This last requirement is not envisaged for citizens of seventy-five years of age or older who are exempted from paying the broadcasting service fee because they have a family income of not more than 8 thousand euros per year.

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