Putri Candrawathi Not Detained, Komnas Perempuan: According to Our Recommendation|Fired from the Police, Commissioner Baiquni Wibowo Files an Appeal|7 Officers Become Obstruction of Justice Suspects, This Is Their RoleTuesday, August 30, 2022 |16:14 WIB By : Whisnu Bagus Prasetyo / WBPJakarta, Beritasatu.com - The Ministry of Communication and Information (Kemenkominfo) stated that the use of digital broadcast TV is very profitable.If one analog TV station uses one frequency, then in digital TV broadcasting, one frequency can be used by 6-13 TV stations simultaneously."Digital transformation will produce a multiplier effect on economic activity, employment and state income," said Director of Media Management at the Ministry of Communications and Informatics Nursodik Gunarjo at a webinar of a public discussion forum in the context of the Analog Switch Off (ASO) socialization and the Ministry of Communications and Informatics Set Top Box (STB) Assistance Delivery Ceremony. with Commission I of the DPR as quoted in a written statement on Tuesday (30/8/2022).Nursodik explained that Digital TV presents better picture and sound quality up to high definition.In addition, digital TV has a data transmission feature for purposes such as disaster early warning, sign language and other public information.According to him, European and Middle Eastern countries have completed the migration process to Digital TV since a decade ago.In ASEAN itself, Malaysia and Singapore have completed the ASO since 2019. While Thailand and Vietnam in 2020.He added that according to Government Regulation Number 46 of 2021 and Regulation of the Minister of Communication and Information Number 11 of 2021, the government will help provide STB to poor households.The provision of free STB is the commitment of multiplexing providers.If it is not sufficient, the rest will be assisted by the government.Member of the House of Representatives Commission I Krisantus Kurniawan said that the benefits of Digital TV that people get in terms of picture quality are getting higher quality.In addition, the available television services will be better and more interactive.This means that the picture quality will be clearer than analog TV.This applies to all communities in various parts of the archipelago.Everyone can enjoy various quality shows with clear and sophisticated technology."That way, there will be an even distribution of quality television broadcasts in all regions in the country," he said.TV Series producer and communication practitioner Tito Loho assesses that in the successful migration of analog TV to digital TV, the Ministry of Communication and Information has done a good job and has even thought about STB for the underprivileged with the aim that all people can enjoy digital broadcasts.He explained that the implementation of digital TV programs will streamline resources.The cost of infrastructure will be cheaper so that there will be egalitarian competition."The cost of broadcasting equipment is very economical, the picture quality is good, and all TV stations have increased the number of TV channels," he said.Watch live streaming of BeritaSatu TV programs herePT Winmar Jaya Utama held a general meeting of shareholders (GMS).The agenda for the meeting was for changes to the functional structure of the board of directors.Chairman of Aspadin, Rachmat Hidayat, said that the plan to label Bisphenol A (BPA) on gallon bottled water has the potential to add new problems.The high rate of population growth in Indonesia opens up a very potential market, especially for products for mothers and children.The production of BoPET produced by Trias Toyobo Astria is absorbed by the domestic market by 50%, namely for Trias Sentosa and Trias Toyobo Ecosyar (TTE).Collaborating with the Ministry of Finance, Bibit invites the public to invest in Sharia SBN Series SR017 as an alternative to passive income that is 100% guaranteed by the state.The Ministry of Trade supports the launch of SIAP QRIS in malls and shopping centers, to encourage the digital payment ecosystem in Indonesia.The high demand for middle-class housing in Bekasi has spurred Emerald Land Development to launch a new type of house on the Emerald Terrace, Jati Asih.Chairman of the Indonesian Employers' Association or Apindo Hariyadi Sukamdani asked the government to tighten regulations on online loans.Sun Life has paid claims to customers amounting to Rp 1.8 trillion as of the second quarter of 2022.PT Link Net Tbk (LINK) until the first semester of 2022 posted revenue of Rp 2.11 trillion, down 2.1% (year-on-year/yoy).