INDOTRENDS.ID - Here are the choices or recommendations for 31 brands and types of Set Top Boxes (STB) to switch from analog TV to digital TV.Check the STB price list to catch digital TV broadcasts from various brands quoted from as of Tuesday (7/6/2022):1. Evercoss STB MAX (DVB-T2): IDR 222,0002. Evercoss STB PRO (DVB-T2): IDR 222,0003. ZYREX STB (DVB-T2) ZBox-1: Rp 215.0005. POLYTRON SET TOP BOX DVB-T2: Rp 279.0006. CBM Set Top Box CBM 91T - Digital TV DVBT2: Rp 210,0007. POLYTRON PDV 610T2 Digital Set Top Box: Rp 269.000Griyo Wage Asri Blok E-27 Taman Sidoarjo, East Java, 61257 Email : indotrendsweb@gmail.comPT Collaboration Mediapreneur Nusantara Jl.Asia Africa No.75 Bandung - West Java, 40111, Ph.022-4241600 Email:©2022 Minds of the People Media Network