SUARAMERDEKA.COM - Here's how to install a digital TV set top box (STB) for analog TV, LCD TV and LED.A set top box is required for analog TV, either tube or LCD TV or LED TV.See how to install an STB for analog TV in this article.As is known, the Ministry of Communication and Information (Kominfo) began to stop broadcasting analog TV on April 30, 2022.116 Regencies/Cities are included in the areas whose television broadcasts were stopped in the first stage.Also Read: Tarot Card Forecast for the Zodiac Aries, Gemini, Taurus, Leo, Virgo, Cancer, Tuesday 10 May 2022Owners of old TVs or analog TVs can still enjoy digital TV broadcasts without the need to buy a new television.Simply by adding a digital TV set top box (STB) device, you can migrate to digital TV.The UHF antenna also doesn't need to be replaced because it can still be used when migrating to digital TV broadcasting.The function of the STB itself is to convert digital signals into images and sound that can be displayed on ordinary analog TVs.Also Read: Want to Know How to Check Digital TV or Still Analog?Read the explanation and follow the stepsJalan Kawi 29 Semarang 081215763693 , 08122851775 rep@, Iklan@