TEMPO.CO, Jakarta - Currently, there are still 900 thousand free set top boxes (STB) that have not been distributed to poor households.The Ministry of Communication and Information or the Ministry of Communication and Information noted that so far only 87,000 devices have been distributed to poor households that meet the criteria for receiving assistance.Whereas previously the government had prepared free set top box assistance of 1 million units of STB and was targeted to be distributed to target households next month, namely August 2022.The website broadcastdigital.kominfo.go.id quoted on Sunday, July 3, 2022 noted that there are at least five conditions that must be met by the public to get the free set top box assistance.The following are 5 conditions that must be met:Special Staff of the Minister of Communication and Information for Political Communication Philip Gobang underlined that not all poor families are entitled to free STB."Only those in their homes have analog TVs. If you distribute a set top box, but there is no television in your house, you can't use the device," said Philip.The Social Welfare Integrated Data or DTKS issued by the Ministry of Social Affairs stated that there were 6,737,971 poor households living in areas affected by the migration of analog to digital TV broadcasts or Analog Switch Off (ASO).The data shows detailed information on recipients of free STB assistance such as name, NIK, KK, to full address.The procurement and distribution of free digital TV set top boxes for poor households is carried out in stages by the government and multiplexing providers (digital TV broadcast operators).This is done in accordance with the stages of ASO implementation with details of 1 million units from the government and 4,177,760 from multiplexing providers.The Coordinator of Broadcasting Infrastructure of the Directorate General of PPI at the Ministry of Communication and Informatics, Indra Siswoyo, explained that the government uses the DTKS of the Ministry of Social Affairs as the basis for providing free Set Top Boxes.Even so, in its implementation, according to the previous directions of President Joko Widodo or Jokowi, his party also continues to update data from the Ministry of Home Affairs so that prospective recipients are truly on target.Indra explained that in the first place, PT POS Indonesia assisted distribution has been carried out to 87,000 poor households out of a total of 1 million set top box assistance that will be distributed by the government this year."This means that there are still approximately 900,000 more that have not been distributed to poor households that are prospective recipients," said Indra."Poor households that will receive free set top box assistance, one of the conditions is that their area must be covered by digital TV broadcasts."Read: Chili prices skyrocket to Rp. 100 thousand, Minister of Agriculture: Something makes them happy, Farmers also enjoyFollow the latest news from Tempo on Google News, click here.The Ministry of Communication and Information welcomes BNI's cooperation in actively fighting hoaxes and at the same time conducting socialization to customers.The Central Statistics Agency or BPS recorded the number of poor people in March 2022 as many as 26.16 million people.The Ministry of Communication and Information encourages the public to use a certified Set Top Box (STB).UGM provides students from UKT waivers to scholarships.Based on data from the Ministry of Social Affairs, there are 1 million units of free set top boxes that will be distributed to poor households.BPJS Kesehatan will test the implementation of standard inpatient classes (KRIS) in a number of hospitals per month.This is the impact on participant fees.Restrictions on the consumption of Pertalite and Solar with the MyPertamina application in the field are expected to remain vulnerable to mistargeting.Here's a list of reasons.Kominfo will revoke licenses or recommendations for certification of journalists from institutions other than the Press Council.The migration of digital TV broadcasts to Analog TV, makes the ears familiar to hear the set top box.Actually, what is a set top box and its function?Top 3 Techno News Yesterday, Friday June 24, 2022, culminated in an Instagram article testing an AI tool for user age verification.