TRIBUNWOW.COM - Migrating to digital TV, this is how to install a set top box from Analog TV so that you can receive Digital TV broadcasts.To see how to install this set top box, it is easy to do it yourself without the help of a service provider.Through the set top box, the analog signal from the antenna at home will be converted into a digital signal so that it can receive digital TV broadcasts.Also read: Tutorial on Converting Analog TV to Digital TV, Follow the Method, Check Your Television and Check This SectionWhen you want to buy an STB, choose an STB certified by the Ministry of Communication and Information.The STB certification by Kominfo is a form of guarantee that STB can definitely be used and its features can work optimally.To capture this digital TV broadcast, a special STB is needed that supports Digital Video Broadcasting - Second Generation Terrestrial, namely DVB-T2 STB, not other STBs such as DVB-C STB (cable), DVB-S STB (satellite), and DVB-IPTV STB ( Internet protocol TV)How to Attach STB to Analog TVQuoting, here are the steps for installing STB on Analog TV to enjoy digital broadcasts:1. Prepare TV, STB, TV Remote2. Antenna cable connection to STB3. Connect the RCA cable (red, yellow, white) to the STB4. Turn on the TV and STB remotely5. Select AV mode on analog TV6. Select the "Channel Search" menu, select "Auto Search"7. Select "Save", ready to watch digital TVThis article has been published on Tribunnews with the title "How to Install a Set Top Box to an Analog TV, Choose an STB that is Certified by Kominfo."