Jakarta, CNBC Indonesia - The government has gradually stopped broadcasting analog TV since last month.Later, it will be replaced with digital TV broadcasts.However, it turns out that there are several complaints regarding digital TV broadcasts.People say the quality of digital broadcasts is still inferior to analog broadcasts.The Minister of Communications and Informatics Johnny G Plate previously stated that this could be caused by the Set Top Box (STB).Because, because analog TV broadcasts use transmitter stations that are closer, the signal will be stronger and if you move away, it will weaken.In contrast to digital television broadcasting, which continues to deliver clear images and sound to the point where the signal can no longer be received.But on condition that you have to use STB.STB is a device for receiving digital broadcasts that can be connected to a television.So far, there are 44.6 million analog TV sets in the country.According to Johnny, by switching broadcasts to digital, it can provide savings and use of the 700 MHz frequency band.The efficiency results can be used for cellular telecommunications services."The implementation of a digital broadcasting system will result in radio spectrum efficiency in the 700 MHz frequency band or generally known as the digital dividend. We all know that currently (the 700 MHz frequency band) is entirely used only for analog television broadcasts," he said last June.Meanwhile, UGM Communications Lecturer Rahayu in his statement said that if you find an image that is not good when using digital broadcasts, you should check the STB."This could be related to the quality of the STB, the installation of the STB is not perfect or other factors," he explained.For information, Kominfo targets the migration of analogue to digital television to be completed on November 2, 2022. This program is carried out in five stages.The first phase is targeted for completion on August 17, 2022.