Why Should You Switch to Digital TV?It turns out that this is the difference between analog and digital TV

2022-06-18 18:50:33 By : Ms. rebecca luo

The difference between Analog and Digital TV that you need to know after the government decided to turn off Analog TV.Through the Analog Switch Off or ASO program, the government through the Ministry of Communication and Information (Kominfo) carries out three stages of ASO.The first phase of ASO will be held on April 30, 2022. The second phase of ASO will be on August 25, 2022. The third phase of ASO will be on November 2, 2022.Also Read: How to Transfer Analog TV Broadcasts to Digital, Use SNI Set Top BoxesThe government's target is that after November 2, 2022, Analog TV will completely die throughout Indonesia.This is in accordance with the mandate of the Job Creation Act.The special staff of the Ministry of Communication and Informatics, Rosarita Niken Widiastuti, said that digital broadcasts are television broadcasts that use digital signals and a compression system.Better picture and sound quality."Indonesian people can enjoy free digital broadcasts by using old UHF antennas," he said, during the Technical Guidance on the Use of Digital TV Equipment and Set Top Boxes in Facing Virtual ASO Implementation, last June 16, 2022.Niken also explained the difference between Analog and Digital TV broadcasts.He calls Digital TV broadcasts, the picture is clearer and clearer.“Analog is designed for voice, while Digital is designed for voice and data.For transmitters, Analog signals are captured by the antenna, while Digital signals are in the form of a digital broadcast system," he said.Another difference between Analog TV and Digital TV, continued Niken, is that Analog TV will display better picture quality when it is close to the transmitter."This is different from Digital, because the image quality is not affected by the distance between the TV and the transmitter," he explained.Niken added, the broadcast on Analog TV is modulated directly on the carrier frequency.While on Digital TV broadcasts, the data will be made in the form of a digital code, and then transmitted."Analog TV broadcasts have a lot of noise, while Digital TV is clearer," he said.Niken explained that tube TVs or LED TVs with analog receivers could capture Digital TV broadcasts by utilizing the Set Top Box (STB)."Thus, people don't need to buy new TVs, because old TVs are enough, UHF antennas both indoor and outdoor and Set Top Boxes," he said.Regarding the Set Top Box, Niken appealed to the public to use the SNI Set Top Box which has several advantages."Set Top Boxes do not need to pay dues like Pay TV, they are also equipped with a Posted DVBT2 certification number that is in accordance with the standardization of Indonesian Government equipment," he explained.Another advantage, continued Niken, is that the Set Top Box is equipped with the Early Warning System (EWS) feature."If this feature is active, it will Overlay your television screen with a warning status of disaster events around you," he said.Therefore, said Niken, it is very important to enter the postal code when setting the Set Top Box."Pay attention when setting up the first Digital TV broadcasting device, both STB and Digital TV.One of them should not just enter a postal code," he said.Niken emphasized that there are several benefits that people get when migrating to Digital TV broadcasting."People can now watch television with clean picture quality, clear audio, and advanced technology," he said.Niken continued, when migrating to Digital TV broadcasting, Indonesia will have a remaining frequency of savings of up to 112 Mhz."This is used for 5G internet broadband and disaster systems," he said.In addition, said Niken, the Early Warning System or disaster early warning system on Digital TV broadcasts is useful during natural disasters."With the EWS (Early Warning System) on Digital TV broadcasts there will be pop up notifications that appear on the television screen as an early warning of natural disasters," he said.(Karwati/R7/HR-Online/Editor-Ndu)