Ahead of Digital TV Migration, Traders Ready to Display Antenna-STB Simultaneously

2022-05-14 09:48:48 By : Ms. susan wei

Analog Switch Off (ASO) or discontinuation of analog TV broadcast services does not make Ultra High Frequency (UHF) antennas disappear from shop windows.The first phase of ASO will be carried out by the Ministry of Communication and Information (Kominfo) on April 30.People who live in the area of ​​the first stage will no longer be able to enjoy analog TV broadcasts and will have to switch to digital TV.Buying a new TV product whose specifications can already capture digital TV broadcasts may not be the choice of many people.There is an alternative to overcome this, namely using additional Set Top Box (STB) devices on analog TVs at home.This method still requires a UHF antenna as a signal catcher.Rudi (53), an antenna trader in the Pasar Minggu area, South Jakarta, explained that to get digital TV broadcasts, you still need a UHF antenna."If he doesn't have an antenna, his catching power is bad, he will have no signal. If he can't just STB, he has to use an antenna," he said when interviewed by CNNIndonesia.com at his shop on Wednesday (13/4)."The higher the antenna, the better the signal," he added.The need for antennas and STBs to get a digital TV signal is a profitable opportunity for antenna traders like Rudi.He considers the need to be high as ASO progresses.Rudi himself admitted that he knew enough about digital TV that his shop had also started selling STB.Likewise with Riko (40) who sells antennas in Poltangan, South Jakarta.He has also started selling even if it's only one type."The price is less than 200 thousand rupiah. Only one type, just for complement," he said.Riko said that a number of shoppers in his shop already knew about digital TV, but it was said that many did not know about it.When asked about the potential profit from selling UHF and STB antennas, Riko admitted that he had not thought about it.The reason is that the sales of antennas in his own shop are said to be not very good.It's a different story with Yopi (27) who sells antennas as well as building material needs in the Jatipadang Raya area, South Jakarta.Yopi admitted that he did not know about the migration of analog TV to digital TV.So this was the first time he heard the name of the STB device."I've never [heard of STB]," he said when interviewed by CNNIndonesia.com in the midst of his selling activities.Therefore, Yopi also has no plans to sell STB because he has only just heard about the device."I don't know yet [will sell STB or not], now I'm just hearing about it," he said.The potential profit from selling UHF and STB antennas can be a breath of fresh air for traders.However, the socialization of ASO seems to need to be expanded so that the public and traders know more about the needs of these two tools.Actually, digital TV broadcasts can be obtained without UHF and STB antennas as long as the TV product has the specifications for capturing the broadcast.TV sets that already support digital broadcasting can be seen on the following page.