Entering 2022, it means that digital TV broadcasts in Indonesia will gradually air.Analog TV owners can capture digital TV broadcasts with the help of a Set Top Box (STB) tool.The Ministry of Communication and Information (Kominfo) revealed that STB is already available in the market, both offline and online.So, don't be mistaken, let alone be fooled, because there is a set top box that has been certified by Kominfo.STB devices are being hunted, considering that currently the government will migrate analog TV to digital or known as Analog Switch Off (ASO).The STB allows analog TV to still be useful even though broadcasting is more modern."To get digital TV broadcasts, for those who don't have digital support, it means having to use a tool in the form of a Set Top Box," said Mesania Mimaisa Sebayang, Secretary of the Migration Working Group for the Broadcast Program of the Digital Television Migration Task Force, Kominfo."Then, where do you look for it? It has been sold in many local electronic stores, as well as marketplaces that can be purchased online. There is also a team that has visited several areas, it has been sold in electronic stores, as well as the marketplace," he continued.Kominfo reminded that the public must pay attention to the STB to be purchased.This is because the certified set top box has a special feature in the form of the Modi logo, the mascot of digital TV.To use this set top box connected to an analog TV, the method is quite easy.The first step is to connect the antenna to the set top box.Then, after that, if the television set is still in the form of a tube, then connect the RCA cable to the set top box.Meanwhile, the television is already digital, which is connected by an HDMI cable."Then a scan will automatically appear for digital TV broadcasts, if there are already digital TV broadcasts in that area," said Mesania.The analog TV lethal injection was originally carried out on August 17, 2021. It's just that the lack of socialization until the COVID-19 pandemic became a stumbling block in implementing the regulation.The discontinuation of analog TV to digital TV broadcasts will only be carried out next year and will be carried out in three stages.Phase 1 on April 30, 2022, Phase 2 on August 25, 2022, and Phase 3 on November 2, 2022.