Media Magelang - Here is information on 20 prices for Set Top Box (STB) device brands on the market, starting from Rp. 100 thousand.There are various prices for Set Top Box or STB devices that are sold in the market today, starting from Rp. 100 thousand to Rp. 400 thousand per unit.Set Top Box devices are needed by analog TV users to be able to watch digital TV broadcasts during the television broadcast transition period or Analog Switch Off (ASO) 2022.Also Read: ASO Schedule and How to Set it to be a Digital TV Broadcast with a Set Top Box, ASO Phase 2 has startedThe government, through the Indonesian Ministry of Communication and Informatics, has started to deactivate phase 1 of analog TV broadcasts since April 30, 2022, and phase 2 since August 25, 2022.Set Top Box has the main function of making the picture and sound in the show clearer and of higher quality like digital TV compared to watching analog TV broadcasts.Another function of this Set Top Box is to convert digital signals into images and sound that can be displayed on ordinary analog TVs.People who already have a digital TV with a DVB-T2 receiver can directly scan the surrounding digital broadcasts.Also Read: Y2mate Site Download MP3 MP4 Songs from YouTube Videos Easily, Y2mate Free Link Can Be Accessed HereEmail : redaksi.mediamagelang@gmail.comPT Collaboration Mediapreneur Nusantara Jl.Asia Africa No.75 Bandung - West Java, 40111, Ph.022-4241600 Email:©2022 Minds of the People Media Network