High-speed broadband headed to rural areas; project underway, expected to finish in 3-4 years - The Owensboro Times

2022-08-13 00:57:27 By : Ms. Jiao Ella

Work has finally begun on bringing high-speed fiber broadband — with speed options ranging from 100 to 2,000 Mbps — to rural areas. Broadband will be available to Kenergy members across their service territory using a 7,200-mile fiber-to the-home (FTTH) network that officials said will be complete in 3-4 years. Members’ electric rates and bills will not be affected.

Kenergy has partnered with rural broadband leader Conexon to launch the network. It marks the first partnership in the state of Kentucky for Conexon Connect, which is Conexon’s internet service provider subsidiary.

The Connect network will deliver internet service to homes and businesses served by Kenergy across portions of all 14 counties they serve. Officials said the goal is ultimately to expand fiber broadband access to all of Kenergy’s approximately 49,000 members. 

“Since Kenergy’s beginning, we have put our members first and continuously enhanced our  services to fit their needs. We’re excited to take the next step to bringing them the fiber-to-the home internet connection that they need,” Kenergy President and CEO Jeff Hohn said. “Rural  communities in our area desperately need high-speed internet to stay in touch, whether that’s  for telemedicine, work, or education. We are grateful to be the company that can give them that  connection.” 

Project officials said Tuesday they will begin building the network in several locations across the area simultaneously, so they can’t guarantee when it will reach any given location. However, the entire network is expected to be completed within 3-4 years. 

Additionally, a “check availability” tool allows members to sign up for service and provides project updates from Connect. Members can find it by going to ConexonConnect.com and selecting Kenergy from the dropdown menu. Then, click on “check availability” to provide information and sign up. 

The network will offer members access to symmetrical (same upload and download speeds) internet capabilities on three tiers. Residential plans are as follows: 

There are no data caps or throttling.

Those interested can sign up by visiting ConexonConnect.com. Select Kenergy from the electric provider dropdown menu, then click “check availability.” From there, you can enter your information and sign up. When Conexon is nearing the installation time for your community, they will reach out with sign-up access and to schedule your installation. 

Members’ electric bills will not be affected. Members will continue to receive electric bills as normal, while fiber broadband bills (internet and/or phone) will be sent from Conexon Connect. 

Kenergy and Conexon provided and the following exhaustive list of FAQs:

Who is building this network?  Kenergy has announced its partnership with rural broadband leader, Conexon, to support the construction of a fiber communications network across Kenergy’s service territory. As part of this partnership, Conexon’s internet service provider (ISP) subsidiary, Conexon Connect, will offer world-class fiber broadband (high-speed internet) service to communities within Kenergy’s service territory. 

Where will the broadband services be available?  Fiber broadband will be available to members across the Kenergy service territory including those in Daviess, Henderson, Hancock, Hopkins, Ohio, Webster, McLean, Crittenden, Union, Lyon, Caldwell, Livingston, Muhlenberg, and Breckinridge counties. 

Where will construction start?  The initial network design, construction plans and schedule are currently being determined. Once the schedule is finalized, we will communicate that to Kenergy members. 

How will you decide who gets service first?  The fiber-optic network will follow the path of Kenergy’s electric footprint, with a goal of ensuring the most efficient and logical design and construction process. This efficiency will allow us to offer world-class service at an affordable price for members. As we determine the construction path and schedule, factors considered include: 

Once these and other factors are understood and weighed, the final design and build schedule will be determined. 

When will construction on the network start? How long will it take to complete?  Construction is scheduled to begin within the coming months and is estimated to take about three years to complete the network. Stay up to date on the latest information by following the Connect, powered by Kenergy, Facebook page or visit our website.

Why are you offering broadband services?  Kenergy is taking this opportunity to help meet the critical need of high-speed internet for its members throughout rural Kentucky. The time for us to act is now with federal and state grant funds available for this purpose. 

How will the broadband project work?  Kenergy foresees utilizing the fiber network to enable smart grid capabilities for its electric infrastructure in the future. Benefits of this project include more efficiency, better load balancing and more. Conexon Connect will leverage the network to serve Kenergy members with broadband services. Conexon Connect will maintain the infrastructure and support customers on the network. Customers will receive communications and billing from Conexon Connect. When working with customer service, customers will be speaking with Conexon Connect representatives. 

Will my electric bill increase to pay for the fiber-to-the-home (FTTH) network? No. This will not increase your electric costs. 

Will I pay my internet bill along with my electric bill?  No. The partnership between Kenergy and Conexon Connect simply means Conexon Connect is serving as your ISP. You will continue to receive your electric bill as normal, while your fiber broadband bill (internet and/or phone) will be sent from Conexon Connect. 

What is the process of building a fiber-to-the-home (FTTH) network? Building a fiber-to-the-home (FTTH) network is generally a multi-year intensive project encompassing numerous steps and efforts. For each project, the network will be built in zones or phases, with the number of phases dependent on the size of the service area. Each phase typically takes approximately 12 to 18 months from construction start to customer installation. Conexon Connect will keep members updated as the project progresses in their area. 

How will I know when I can expect service?  The Connect, powered by Kenergy, “check availability” tool allows you to sign up for service and provides project updates from Connect. You can find it by going to ConexonConnect.com and selecting Kenergy from the dropdown menu. Then, click on check availability to provide your information and sign up. 

What is a fiber-optic network?  Fiber-optic systems are made up of tiny strands of glass that carry data using light waves, generally resulting in much faster internet speeds and better reliability than traditional copper lines. Most internet providers use fiber in their systems, but use copper lines for the final connections to the home, resulting in slower speeds. Conexon Connect, Kenergy and fellow cooperatives believe 100% FTTH is the best, most sustainable communications choice. With FTTH service, you’ll enjoy “symmetrical” speeds, meaning you’ll experience the same high speeds whether uploading or downloading. A fiber-optic network can carry an extremely high amount of data and is more reliable than other networks because it’s less susceptible to interference and damage from lightning and other acts of nature.

Why is the Connect, powered by Kenergy, network different from other internet services? Conexon Connect builds only 100% fiber-to-the-home (FTTH) networks. Others may tout fiber, but in many cases that fiber stops at the street and continues with copper lines for the final connections to the home, resulting in slower speeds. Fiber to the home brings a new level of reliability and speed. 

What internet and telephone packages will be available for my home? Conexon Connect offers three tiers of internet pricing along with service enhancements and HD quality phone service. 

*Connect Ultimate offers download speeds of up to 2 gigabits per second; upload speeds are typically between 1 and 2 gigabits per second. 2 gigabit speeds can be obtained by directly connecting via ethernet cable to the ONT. The device conducting the speed test must be capable of sending and receiving data at a minimum of 2 gigabits of throughput. 

^Conexon Connect cannot support or troubleshoot customer-supplied wireless routers. 

What is Managed Wi-Fi?  Managed Wi-Fi Service, included with Connect Ultimate and available for an additional $4.95/month with other packages, enhances your overall user experience. It helps deliver among the fastest, highest quality Wi-Fi with advanced, remote support capabilities that allow our tech support team to automatically identify and troubleshoot issues and – in many cases before you even experience an interruption. This means quicker resolution of potential issues and convenience for you. 

What is Connect’s Safe and Secure?  The Connect Safe & Secure Package, available only with managed Wi-Fi, includes:

What internet packages are available for my business? 

Are there data caps with this service?  No. With fiber internet from Connect, powered by Kenergy, you will have no data caps or throttling. 

How can I sign up for service?  You can sign up by visiting ConexonConnect.com. From there, select Kenergy from the electric provider dropdown menu, then click “check availability.” From there, you can enter your information and sign up. When we are nearing the installation time for your community, we will reach out with sign-up access and to schedule your installation. 

Are there discounted prices or assistance available?  Conexon Connect is a participant in both the Affordable Connectivity Program and Lifeline. Both of these programs offer discounted pricing for internet and/or phone to eligible residents. More information about these programs will be communicated as the construction schedule and service availability timeline are finalized. 

What is the installation process?  Once you sign up for service, fiber installation is simple. Conexon Connect will pull fiber from Kenergy’s main lines and follow power lines to attach the fiber to your home or business. The fiber will run in the same manner power lines run to your home or business. If your electric service comes from overhead lines, so will your broadband service. If your electric service comes from underground lines, so will your broadband service. Next, Conexon Connect will attach the fiber line to a box near your electric meter where the inside wiring connects with the outside wiring. Finally, the fiber is connected to a fiber jack inside your home or office, where it’s plugged into the modem we provide. 

Construction crews pulling and hanging the fiber and taking it to your home or business’ outside wiring are preparing the network to go live once construction in the area is complete. A Conexon Connect employee will contact you to schedule an appointment for an in-home installer to finalize your connection and test the services from your equipment. Once that install is complete and tested, your service should be ready to go. 

What equipment will I need to purchase?  Conexon Connect recommends you take its managed Wi-Fi service that provides your home with the best experience. With the service Conexon Connect provides, a carrier grade Wi-Fi router that can watch for potential issues and will auto heal the network to make your devices run as smooth as possible is the best option. This service also delivers advanced troubleshooting abilities if you do need to call Conexon Connect with an issue. Alternately, you can provide your own Wi-Fi router and connect it to the installed modem. 

Your existing computers and Wi-Fi devices should connect to the Conexon Connect provided devices without the need for additional hardware purchases. 

Conexon Connect provides two pieces of equipment that are required to connect your home to the internet. One piece is an Optical Network Terminal (ONT) that converts the fiber optic signal coming into your home to a wired ethernet connection. That wired ethernet connection then connects to a combination router/firewall and wireless access point, also called a Home Gateway, which is the second device. 

The Home Gateway supports the following wireless protocols: 

The Home Gateway has four wired 1 Gbps ethernet ports to support wired devices. Given the broad range of connectivity options provided by Conexon Connect, your current device should connect seamlessly to the provided equipment. 

If your device does not have a network interface card (NIC) or support Wi-Fi, then additional equipment purchases may be required. If this is the case, you may want to consider upgrading your devices to get the best experience from the Conexon Connect network. 

Is Connect, powered by Kenergy, offering phone service?  Yes, Connect, powered by Kenergy, is offering unlimited local and domestic long-distance HD quality phone service for $29.95/month plus any applicable local taxes and fees for those who package the phone service with internet. Conexon Connect’s standalone phone service (without internet) is $39.95/month plus applicable taxes and fees. 

Can I keep my phone number?  In most cases, customers changing providers will be able to keep their phone numbers. 

Do I have to sign up for phone services to get high-speed internet service? No. You can sign up for either internet or phone or both together in a single package. 

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