7 more days, this is an area that can no longer watch the second stage of analog TV broadcastsKOMPAS.com - The Ministry of Communication and Information (Kominfo) will stop broadcasting analog television (TV) for the second stage.Based on the schedule contained in the Regulation of the Minister of Communication and Information (Kominfo) Number 11 of 2021, the second phase of analog TV broadcasting will take place on August 25, 2022.This means that the migration time from analog TV to digital TV is only one week or 7 days away.To be able to enjoy digital broadcasts, users of analog TV or TV with a regular home antenna/UHF, must install a set top box (STB).Once installed, people can enjoy digital TV without the need for an internet connection and can be accessed at no cost.Also read: List of Regions That Can No Longer Enjoy Analog TV Broadcasts on August 25, There's DKI JakartaThe following areas are included in the second phase of termination:Also read: Schedule and Territories of Phase 2 Analog TV Broadcast StoppageAlso read: What is Analog TV, which has stopped broadcasting in Indonesia todayAlso read: How to Switch Broadcasts from Analog TV to Digital TV, Check out the StagesAnalog TV comparison with Xiaomi TV A2 43 inches.Also read: Sleeping in Front of a Turning Television?Know Some of the RisksAlso read: Profile of Larry King, Legend of US Television BroadcasterANTARA/ARI BOWO SUCIPTO Creative workers upload video content of a company on social media at the studio of digital start-up company Content Porer, Malang, East Java, Tuesday (5/10/2021).The shift of the broadcasting system from Analog TV to Digital TV broadcasting system gave birth to a new order in broadcast media.This new order, opens up opportunities for content creators.Creative people and materials that raise local issues are wider open.The government has also provided free digital TV STB assistance for the poor.Here are the conditions:Also read: Terms and How to Get Free STB Assistance from the GovernmentKOMPAS.com/Muchammad Dafi Yusuf One of the analog TV shops in the city of Semarang, Central Java.Saturday (6/8/2022)Before being able to broadcast broadcasts from digital signals, people need to set the STB to analog TV.Here are the steps to setup STB to analog TV:Also read: Kominfo Starts Distributing Free Digital TV STB, Here's How To Get ItKOMPAS.com/Akbar Bhayu Tamtomo Infographic: How to Find Digital TV Channels Using STBWrite your comments with the hashtag #JernihBerkomentar and win e-vouchers for 90 winners!Get information and insight selected by Kompas.com editorsDouble check and complete your data.Your data will be used for account verification when you need assistance or when unusual activity is found on your account.Immediately complete your data to join the #JernihBerkomentar program.