Media Magelang – This is a list of Set Top Box or STB brands complete with product prices.Knowing the price of a Set Top Box (STB) is very important before deciding to buy the device to watch digital TV.The transition from broadcast to digital TV makes analog TV users have to buy a Set Top Box (STB).Then what is the general price for the Set Top Box (STB) device?Also Read: What is Y2mate for?Check Here How to Download MP3 MP4 Songs from YouTube Videos for Free and Really EasyInstalling a Set Top Box (STB) is a cost-effective way to watch digital TV.Analog TV users do not need to change their TV to a more modern TV and do not need to spend extra money, including buying a new antenna.The function of this Set Top Box is to convert digital signals into images and sound that can be displayed on ordinary analog TVs.Set Top Box (STB) is an alternative to be able to enjoy digital TV shows without having to replace the TV with a more modern television.Email : redaksi.mediamagelang@gmail.comPT Collaboration Mediapreneur Nusantara Jl.Asia Africa No.75 Bandung - West Java, 40111, Ph.022-4241600 Email:©2022 Minds of the People Media Network