List of STB (Set Top Box) Brands for Capturing Digital TV Broadcasts -

2022-08-08 03:53:57 By : Mr. Aaron Zhai

TRIBUNPONTIANAK.CO.ID - For those of you who are in the area where the migration from analog TV broadcasts to digital TV broadcasts is done, there is no need to buy a new television.Old TV or tube TV can also watch Digital TV broadcasts with the condition that you have to add a Set Top Box (STB) to switch to digital broadcasting.In West Kalimantan there are several areas that are included in the implementation of the Analog Switch Off (ASO) program, stages 2 and 3 which will take place on August 25, 2022 & November 2, 2022.While the cessation of the first phase of analog broadcasts on April 30, 2022, then.• Tips for Choosing STB (Set Top Box) to Capture Digital TV BroadcastsWith the Analog Switch Off (ASO), the public must stop analog broadcasts and switch to digital broadcasts.The public can connect analog TV with digital receivers or Set Top Boxes (STB) to switch to digital broadcasting.How to Check TV Is Digital or NotHere's how to check if the TV is digital or not, quoted from Access Click the "Digital TV Devices" menu