List of 23 STBs for Digital TV Broadcasting Certified by - The Ministry of Communications and Information Technology (Kominfo) will gradually stop broadcasting analog television (Analog Switch Off/ASO).In the first stage, Kominfo turned off analog television broadcasts in a number of areas in Aceh, Riau, Banten, East Kalimantan and North Kalimantan.The plan is to stop analog TV broadcasts in five stages and will be completed on November 2, 2022.The owners of ordinary TV or analog TV need not worry, because analog TV can still display digital TV broadcasts using Set Top Box or STB devices that already support DVB - T2 (Digital Video Broadcasting - Second Generation Terrestrial), the digital TV standard in Indonesia.Also read: 3.2 Million Free STB from Kominfo Distributed March 15, Here are the Requirements for RecipientsDigital TV STB decoder is a device that can convert digital signals into images and sounds that can be displayed on ordinary analog TVs.Kominfo has also released a list of the latest STB devices that have been certified and support digital TV broadcasting in Indonesia.Here, KompasTekno summarizes 23 lists of STBs and their types that have received device certification from Kominfo, summarized from the official website of's how to watch Digital TV broadcasts on analog TV using STB:Also read: Note, Schedule for Free Digital TV STB Distribution from the GovernmentAccording to KompasTekno's search, a number of certified STBs can be found easily and purchased through various online marketplaces.The price of STB also varies, starting from Rp. 210,000 to above Rp. 500,000.Kominfo itself has a program to distribute 3,202,470 free STB to the poor according to the Ministry of Social's Integrated Data (DTKS) data.The free STB distribution process is also carried out in 56 broadcast areas covering 166 regencies/cities in stages starting April 2022, August 2022, and November 2022.To check which kelurahan will receive the free Digital TV STB quota, you can click on the following link.Write your comments with the hashtag #JernihBerkomentar and win e-vouchers for 90 winners!Get information and insight selected by editorsDouble check and complete your data.Your data will be used for account verification when you need assistance or when unusual activity is found on your account.Immediately complete your data to join the #JernihBerkomentar program.