Media Magelang - Make sure you buy the original Set Top Box or STB so that you don't experience interference when watching digital TV.The following are the characteristics and list of brands of Set Top Boxes or STBs that are original and safe to use to watch digital TV without interruption.Ahead of the enactment of the digital TV migration, Kominfo provides tips to the public so that they can choose the original and safe Set Top Box device to use.Before buying a Set Top Box or STB device to be used to watch digital TV, know the 4 characteristics of a genuine and safe STB based on recommendations from Kominfo.Also Read: What Is Nika Nika no Mi in the Latest Episode of the One Piece Anime?This is what it meansThe shift from analog TV to digital TV has caused people's need for Set Top Box or STB devices to increase.Because without using a Set Top Box or STB device, you certainly won't be able to watch TV broadcasts again unless you use a Set Top Box device.So make sure to have a Set Top Box or STB device right now before the migration from analog TV to digital TV is carried out.Don't make the mistake of buying a Set Top Box (STB) device that is now available in various places.Email : redaksi.mediamagelang@gmail.comPT Collaboration Mediapreneur Nusantara Jl.Asia Africa No.75 Bandung - West Java, 40111, Ph.022-4241600 Email:©2022 Minds of the People Media Network