Media Magelang - This is an easy way to set the Set Top Box (STB) complete with a list of frequency numbers for RCTI, SCTV, and other channels according to the Telkom 4 satellite.For those who are still confused about how to set the Set Top Box (STB) can see this article until the end to find the answer.In addition to setting the Set Top Box (STB), there is also a list of frequency numbers for all national TV channels according to the Telkom 4 satellite.Ahead of the migration to digital TV broadcasting, it is important to have a Set Top Box (STB) device and immediately set it up on a home television.Also Read: Use a NIK KTP, Follow How to Register to Receive a Free Digital TV Set Top Box (STB) from Kominfo in 2022See here how to set the Set Top Box (STB) complete with a list of national TV channel frequencies according to the latest Telkom 4 satellite.The public can use the Set Top Box (STB) device to still be able to enjoy digital TV broadcasts.With a Set Top Box (STB) device, analog TV users do not need to replace a new television.So how do you set the analog frequency to digital TV using a Set Top Box (STB)?Email : redaksi.mediamagelang@gmail.comPT Collaboration Mediapreneur Nusantara Jl.Asia Africa No.75 Bandung - West Java, 40111, Ph.022-4241600 Email:©2022 Minds of the People Media Network