Here's How to Install STB To Analog TV – Sumut24

2022-06-11 00:15:50 By : Mr. Janwei Lou

Set Top Box is an important device to be able to enjoy digital broadcasts for analog TV users. However, it is necessary to pay attention to how to install it so that analog TV can broadcast properly.When you want to buy an STB, choose an STB certified by the Ministry of Communication and Information.The STB certification by Kominfo is a form of guarantee that STB can definitely be used and its features can function optimally.To capture this digital TV broadcast, a special STB is needed that supports Digital Video Broadcasting – Second Generation Terrestrial, namely DVB-T2 STB, not other STBs such as DVB-C STB (cable), DVB-S STB (satellite), and DVB-IPTV STB ( internet protocol tv)How to Install STB to Analog TV Here are the steps to install STB on Analog TV to be able to enjoy digital broadcasts;Set up TV, STB, TV Remote Connect antenna cable to STB Connect RCA cable (red, yellow, white) to STB Turn on TV and STB remotely Select AV mode on analog TV Select “Channel Search” menu, select “Auto Search” Select “ Save”, ready to watch digital TV.Implementation of Analog Switch Off (ASO) or migration of analog television broadcasts to digital has been carried out by several countries in the world.This condition makes Indonesia inseparable from the same demands.In addition, this migration refers to Law Number 11 of 2020 concerning Job Creation, broadcasting clusters which refer to Article 72 Number 8, which states that the migration of terrestrial television broadcasting from analog to digital must be completed no later than two years after the law takes effect.“Television cannot be separated from the long history of the Indonesian nation.The presence of Television of the Republic of Indonesia on August 24, 1962 broadcasted the 4th Asian Games at Gelora Bung Karno, at that time was proof that television had participated in the development of the Indonesian nation.At this time, in the midst of the onslaught of digital television technology, we must continue to be consistent as a medium for disseminating information and entertainment for the entire community," said North Sumatra DPRD Chairman Baskami Ginting, at the Digital Television Socialization "North Sumatra is Ready for Analog Switch Off (ASO)", yesterday.This policy which refers to Government Regulation Number 46 of 2021 concerning Post, Telecommunications and Broadcasting is expected to provide quality viewing and dissemination of information in terms of images, sound and content."This inevitable development of the digital era has forced North Sumatra to move forward in all sectors, especially how to disseminate information media.Communities need actual information in knowing the process of regional development in all fields, both infrastructure, economy and human resources.This can happen if there is synergy between stakeholders, both the government, the mass media and the press council," said Baskami Ginting.Special Staff of the Minister of Communications and Information Technology (Menkominfo) Rosarita Niken Widiastuti revealed, the purpose of this digital broadcast is the efficient use of the radio frequency spectrum, the efficiency of television broadcasting infrastructure, improving the quality of broadcast services to the public, increasing the reach of digital television broadcasts, creating business opportunities/content industry. diverse creative industries, as well as obtaining digital dividends.It was also informed that currently, apart from TVRI's multiplexing which is already operating, there is also multiplexing of Trans7, Metro TV, Indosiar, ANTV and RCTI.North Sumatra itself will carry out this migration in three service areas."Regarding the preparation of ASO in North Sumatra, of course, all stakeholders have prepared its implementation, which cannot be separated from the condition of analog broadcasts being transferred to digital television broadcasts from three broadcast service areas, the ASO process will be carried out in stages as follows, phase one of ASO on April 30, 2022. North Sumatra 2 and North Sumatra 5 broadcast service areas, phase 2 of ASO on August 25, 2022 for North Sumatra 1 broadcast service area," explained Rosarita Niken Widiastuti.Rosarita Niken Widiastuti hopes that this socialization will provide understanding and motivation for the community, especially in North Sumatra Province."The implementation of this talk show aims to be able to provide education and knowledge about digital television comprehensively and in depth, as well as gain a common understanding and can be a motivation for all stakeholders to immediately switch, migrate from analog television to digital TV broadcasts and can be carried out on time later on November 2nd. 2022," he said.As is known, to be able to capture digital TV broadcasts, an additional device is needed in the form of a Set Top Box (STB).This STB is then installed on tube televisions and LCDs that do not have DVB T2 features in them.For those who want to buy an STB, this device is already widely available in the market.The price is also relatively affordable, but the Ministry of Communication and Information (Kemenkominfo) warns the public not to buy it.Director of Standardization of Post and Information Technology Equipment, Directorate General of SDPPI, Ministry of Communication and Informatics, Mulyadi, appealed to the public not to buy STB carelessly and choose fake equipment."There are already provisions, buy a set top box that has been certified by the Ministry of Communication and Information," he urged.STBs that have been certified by the Ministry of Communication and Information are said to have privileges.The device has the Early Warning System (EWS) feature.With this feature, disaster information, such as earthquakes, will appear on the television screen.To make it easier for the public to buy STB certified by the Ministry of Communication and Information, there will be a special mark on the device packaging, namely the DVB T2 logo, the words Digital Ready, and the Modi mascot image.