Can All Smart TVs Watch Digital TV Broadcasts?Here's the explanation

2022-08-26 23:38:24 By : Ms. May Xie

Can All Smart TVs Watch Digital TV Broadcasts?Here's the The cessation of analog TV broadcasts or Analog Switch Off (ASO) in all regions of Indonesia, is targeted by the Ministry of Communication and Information (Kominfo) to be completed on November 2, 2022.After the analog TV broadcasts are turned off, the public can only watch digital TV broadcasts.To watch digital TV broadcasts, one way is to use a TV set that can capture digital signals (digital TV).Also read: Listen, this is the difference between digital and analog TVIn today's market, there are several types of TV sets in circulation, one of which is Smart TV.So, is Smart TV the same as digital TV?To find out, it is necessary to first understand the meaning of each of these TV sets.Smart TV is a TV device that has the main feature to access the internet.With this capability, Smart TVs can be used to access various video-on-demand or streaming applications, such as YouTube, Netflix, and Disney Hotstar.This internet access is possible because the Smart TV is equipped with a WiFi signal receiver.In addition, in order to access internet-based services, Smart TVs are also equipped with a built-in operating system.Usually, each Smart TV has a different operating system.For example, Samsung's Smart TVs come with the Tizen operating system, while LG's smart TVs run webOS.This operating system was installed by default (built-in) when the TV was manufactured.If Smart TV is simply a TV with internet access capabilities, then what about digital TV?What makes a TV set can be called a digital TV?Also read: 5 Reasons Why You Should Switch from Analog TV to Digital TVAs the name suggests, digital TV is a TV device that is equipped with the main ability to capture digital signals.To note, digital signals are radio frequency waves that transmit content (audio and video) in “bit” (digital) format.Quoted from the official Kominfo website, in order for a TV set to receive a signal with this format, a television broadcasting system receiver with a DVB-T2 (Digital Video Broadcasting – Terrestrial second generation) digital signal is needed.Based on the explanation of the digital TV, then is Smart TV already digital?Not necessarily, Smart TVs may not be equipped with the DVB-T2 feature.This is natural because the main feature of Smart TV is the ability to access the internet, as explained above.Support for DVB-T2 features on Smart TVs can usually be found in the device specification information.Some examples of Smart TVs that have been supported by the DVB-T2 feature directly (built in) can be seen in this article "List of Smart TVs for Watching Digital TV Broadcasts".If it does not include support for the DVB-T2 feature, it is certain that Smart TV cannot be used to watch digital TV broadcasts directly, so it still requires an external DVB-T2 receiver device or commonly called a Set Top Box (STB).Also read: When will Analog TV Broadcasting Stop?Check out the latest schemeAn explanation of the installation of STB on a non-digital TV can be seen in this article "How to Install a Set Top Box on a Non-digital TV".That's the explanation about Smart TV and digital TV, hopefully it's useful.Write your comments with the hashtag #JernihBerkomentar and win e-vouchers for 90 winners!Get information and insight selected by editorsDouble check and complete your data.Your data will be used for account verification when you need assistance or when unusual activity is found on your account.Immediately complete your data to join the #JernihBerkomentar program.