What Is STB For Digital TV?Read the explanation and how to use it

2022-06-24 23:49:58 By : Mr. Sam Chow

Makasssartoday.com, Makassar – The Analog Switch Off or ASO program programmed by the Ministry of Communication and Information (Kemenkominfo), is a transition program from analog TV broadcasts to digital TV.Reporting from Kronologi.id, the program to stop analog TV broadcasts has started to be carried out in a number of parts of Indonesia and is being carried out in stages, so that nationally the cessation of analog broadcasts will occur on November 2, 2022.In the transition period from analog TV to digital, people don't need to buy a new TV to enjoy digital broadcasts, but only by using a Set Top Box (STB) is a tool to convert digital signals into pictures and sound that can be displayed on ordinary Analog TV, Set This Top Box does not require a satellite dish to capture digital signals, but simply uses a UHF television antenna or ultra high frequency or VHF (Very high frequency or very high frequency)."You don't need to buy a new TV, so you can use tube TV, you can do flat-screen TVs, but if you don't have a smart TV or a digital one, you just need to plug in the STB," said Rosarita Niken Widiastuti, who is a Special Staff for Public Communication (IKP) at the Ministry of Communications and Information. was a resource at Siniar about ASO which was broadcast on the Indonesian Digital Broadcasting YouTube account some time ago.He conveyed the use of STB on tube TVs, namely by connecting an RCA cable (red, yellow, white) to the STB, turning on the TV and STB remotely, then selecting AV mode on Analog TV, selecting the Channel Search menu, then selecting Auto Search, and digital broadcasting. ready to be enjoyed, while for the data screen TV the operation is the same, it's just that the cable used is an HDMI cable.However, Rosarita explained that people need to pay attention to the STB that they are going to buy, because currently there are some that have been certified and are ready to be used by the community."How to check a certified STB is very easy, you can check it on the website broadcastdigital.kominfo.go.id, it's just a matter of checking there whether the STB device has been certified," he concluded.SHARE: Related News Indonesia Ends Analog TV Broadcast Congratulations to Winners of Brainwars 2022 TikTok Extends Maximum Video Duration to 10 Minutes Back It's Explosive, Here Are the Facts Behind Religion Googlism Tips for Saving Cellphone Quota Threatens User Privacy, Instagram Will Remove MacBook 'Add Yours' Sticker Water: Excellence and Its Journey from Time to TimeCopyright©2021 Makassartoday.com, All right reservedCopyright©2021 Makassartoday.com, All right reserved