What is a Set Top Box?Kominfo Immediately Distribute STB - Media Magelang

2022-03-26 06:34:26 By : Ms. Daisy wang

Media Magelang - What is a Set Top Box (STB) for watching Kominfo digital TV broadcasts?There are still many who do not understand what a Set Top Box or also called STB is.Kominfo will indeed distribute these tools to the public.For those who don't know what a Set Top Box is, see the following explanation of STB.The Set Top Box (STB) is distributed by the government through the Ministry of Communication and Informatics due to the migration to digital TV broadcasting which is planned to be completed in 2022.Also Read: How to Get Digital TV Set Top Box (STB) Assistance from Kominfo in 2022To that end, Kominfo has prepared 6.7 million Set Top Box (STB) devices which will be distributed free of charge to people who meet the categories.Kominfo launched a free Set Top Box (STB) assistance program so that people don't have to change TVs but only use STB.What is a Set Top Box (STB)?Then, what is the Set Top Box?Do you have to have an STB in order to enjoy digital TV broadcasts?Email : redaksi.mediamagelang@gmail.comPT Collaboration Mediapreneur Nusantara Jl.Asia Africa No.75 Bandung - West Java, 40111, Ph.022-4241600 Email: prmnnewsroom@minded-rakyat.com©2022 Minds of the People Media Network