You Want a Free Digital TV Set Top Box?Easy!Here's How

2022-06-18 18:53:41 By : Ms. Joy XU

Jakarta, CNBC Indonesia - The government has now started to stop the first phase of analog TV broadcasts since April 2022. The plan is that there will be three stages of stopping analog TV broadcasts, until November 2, 2022.Even so, people who do not have digital TV do not need to replace new TV sets to get digital channels.Old TVs that broadcast analogue broadcasts can still get digital TV broadcasts, as long as they use Digital TV Set Top Box (STB) supporting devices.To support the Analog Switch Off (ASO), the Ministry of Communication and Information (Kominfo) together with digital terrestrial TV broadcasters (multiplexing) distribute free STB to the public.However, Kominfo revealed that the STB would be given free of charge to the underprivileged."For poor households, but have tube TVs, old TVs that are not ready to go digital, then they will get assistance. Especially in areas where analog switch off will occur," said Expert Staff of the Minister of Communication and Information for Legal Affairs Henri Subiakto.The condition is that it must be listed in the Ministry of Social Welfare Integrated List (DTKS).For this reason, Henri encourages the community to be proactive by checking DTKS data.The public can register for social assistance online by first downloading the Check Bansos application on the PlayStore.In the Check Bansos application, you can choose a list of proposals.From the list of proposals, those whose names are already registered with the DTKS can register themselves.Then on the proposal list menu, select the add proposal menu.With NIK, KTP and KK the system will validate and match the data whether it is appropriate or not."If your name has been validated, then you can choose the type of social assistance to be submitted. One of them is the provision of free STB tools," he explained.The free STB will be distributed according to the plan to stop analog TV broadcasts or Analog Switch Off (ASO).The first stage of sharing and installing the device starts from March 15 to April 30, 2022.The distribution of free STB will be done door to door, as well as verification and validation of recipients will be carried out at the time of distribution.Kominfo has also explained the mechanism for giving STB.Here's the explanation:- STBs are sent to locations in districts/cities, at the warehouse of Post/Logistics organizers. - Delivery by door-to-door mechanism to beneficiaries.- Officers verify and validate the Aid Beneficiary Data (KTP and KK) and TV ownership).- If it does not match then the device returns to the warehouse.- If appropriate, the handover of STB assistance and device installation will be carried out.This is done until it can operate and function properly.- The officer scans the QR Code via WhatsApp which is on the TV screen and the STB is installed.The officer entered the recipient's data, namely the name, NIK/KK, address, photo of the beneficiary, and ID card via WhatsApp.- Officers prepare official and accountable handover minutes.