TEMPO.CO, Jakarta - The migration of Analog TV broadcasts to Digital TV makes the ears familiar with hearing set top boxes.Actually, what is a set top box and its function?Quoting from Haivision.com, Set Top Box (STB) is a device that allows users to view video content from certain internet video providers over the internet.Simply put, a set top box is a tool for converting digital signals into images and sounds that can be displayed on ordinary Analog TVs.A set top box, also known as a Set Top Unit, is a device that can convert digital television signals to analog for viewing on conventional television sets, or allow cable or satellite television to be viewed.This set top box already supports digital video broadcasting-second generation terrestrial (DVB-T2), the digital TV standard in Indonesia.In addition, the set top box does not require a special satellite dish to receive digital signals, it is enough to use a UHF-VHF television antenna.Sharp Indonesia launched a Set Top Box type STB-DD001i to facilitate consumers to be able to watch digital broadcast TV shows comfortably.(Sharp)Quoted from Wiltronics.com, the function of the set top box on analog TV is as a tool to convert digital signals into images and sound and then display them to analog television or tubes.Set top boxes also allow TV sets to convert digital television (DTV) signals to analog.In other words, the set top box is an ideal solution for viewers who want to use their analog TV to receive digital broadcasts.In addition, set top boxes work by receiving and decoding DTV broadcasts that can be viewed on conventional television sets.Next, let users choose from specific providers, then filter to the video content they want to watch.In other words, the decoder transmits a large selection of channels to additional channels on the TV.Most set top box systems today rely on two-way communication, allowing viewers to take advantage of interactive features.The following are the benefits offered by digital tv set top boxes, including:1. You can enjoy digital TV broadcasts with clear, clean picture quality, without ants and ghost images.2. With a set top box, you are able to record ongoing tv broadcasts and store them on a usb/flashdisk.That way you can record your favorite shows and watch them later.You certainly won't be able to find this broadcast recording feature on analog TV broadcasts.3. Then, the set top box can also be a media player to play files in the form of photos, music and videos or movies in various formats such as MP4, MKV, AVI, FLV and others.RINDI ARISKA Reads: Kominfo Accelerates Distribution of Free Set Top Boxes to the PoorTop 3 Techno News Yesterday, Friday June 24, 2022, culminated in an Instagram article testing an AI tool for user age verification.In this case, the underprivileged will get a free set top box from Kominfo.How and what are the conditions?Of the 5.2 million set top boxes for poor families, private broadcasters will provide around 4.2 million units of equipment.The rest is Kominfo.The migration of digital TV broadcasts is carried out in three stages.Along with that, Kominfo will distribute free set top boxes to 6.7 million poor people.Starting April 30, 2022, a number of districts and cities in Indonesia have switched to digital TV broadcasting.Goodbye analog TV.To check the Digital TV signal range, you can use the application, see the following method.The cessation of analog TV broadcasts or Analog Switch Off (ASO) in West Java has been postponed until next June/July.Poor households will get free STB assistance from MUX organizers.You can check the digital TV signal coverage through the SignalTVDigital application.Here's how.The government through the Ministry of Information and Communication (Kominfo) has officially stopped broadcasting analog TV in stages.