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  • Geek buy: StarHub TV+ Android set-top box is a smart add-on for old TVs - Techgoondu Techgoondu

    by admin on 2022-07-29 23:08:44

    Over this weekend, I did something I thought I’d never do again – pay StarHub for a set-top box to watch pay-TV programmes on my large screen.

    In an age of streaming services, smart TVs with their own apps and mobile devices that can easily cast onto the big screen, why bothe

  • Newsletter

    by admin on 2022-07-29 23:08:42

    After what may have seemed like an endless wait for Sky customers in the U.K. and elsewhere across Europe, the Sky Go app is now available to download on Apple TV.

    The availability of the Sky Go app means that subscribers will be able to stream live Sky's broadcast content on their App

  • DVB-T2 transition progresses in Poland

    by admin on 2022-07-29 23:08:27

    May 24, 2022 12.07 Europe/London By Chris Dziadul

    Over three-quarters of Polish homes can now receive DVB-T2 services.

    According to the national transmission company Emitel, this follows a change to the DVB-T2/HEVC standard on the night of May 22/23, involving the terrestrial m

  • Best Touring Stand Up Paddle Boards 2022 | Supconnect.com

    by admin on 2022-07-29 23:08:24

    After personally paddling, weighing, and thoroughly testing 200+ boards, our expert staff has selected the best touring stand up paddle board 2022 models. These are designated by the "A" grade and organized by categories (inflatable, all-around, touring, etc). In its 6th year the Supconne

  • Pennon Group to start fourth phase of share buyback... | Morningstar

    by admin on 2022-07-29 23:08:08

    (Alliance News) - Pennon Group PLC said on Friday it is starting the fourth phase of its share buyback program.

    The Exeter, England-based water company began a share buyback program of up to GBP400 million in July. The first three phases have deployed around GBP150 million up to January

  • Pennon Group to start fourth phase of share buyback... | Morningstar

    by admin on 2022-07-29 23:08:07

    (Alliance News) - Pennon Group PLC said on Friday it is starting the fourth phase of its share buyback program.

    The Exeter, England-based water company began a share buyback program of up to GBP400 million in July. The first three phases have deployed around GBP150 million up to January

  • This is the Advantage of Upgrading Digital TV Set Top Box Software, The Way Is Like This - Suara Merdeka

    by admin on 2022-07-22 23:22:43

    Suaramerdeka.com - The migration of digital TV broadcasts has begun to be carried out by the government in stages in several regions in Indonesia.For analog TV owners, whether it's in the form of a tube or an LCD screen, you need an additional tool in the form of a digital TV set top box.However,

  • LG Business Solutions USA Intros New 75-Inch 4K Ultra HD TV – rAVe [PUBS]

    by admin on 2022-07-22 23:22:34

    LG Business Solutions USA has introduced its 75-inch 4K Ultra HD TV, which received the UL 62368-1 certification for use in healthcare facilities. Unveiled here this week at ASHE 2022, the annual conference of the American Society of Healthcare Engineering, the TV claims to offer facilities th

  • nytimes.com

    by admin on 2022-07-22 23:22:26

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