Watch Digital TV Broadcasts Can Use Android Phones, Free Without Internet Quota –

2022-06-24 23:56:46 By : Ms. Ales Fung

SULTRAKINI.COM: It seems that digital TV broadcasts can not only be enjoyed at home through televisions and set top boxes, but anywhere while carrying a cellphone and being in areas where digital signals reach them.Watching digital tv broadcasts from Android phones is not impossible.Today's increasingly sophisticated technology makes it easier for people to enjoy digital broadcasts other than television.To watch digital tv broadcasts using an Android cellphone, additional tools are needed, namely a digital tv tuner or DVB T2 Stick in the form of a USB stick like a flash drive.Meanwhile, to connect a digital TV USB stick to an Android cellphone, you need USB OTG either type B or type C according to the type of Android cellphone.To get good and clear pictures and audio, you can add an ultra high frequency antenna (UHF antenna).Content creator, Armadiyanto, delivered digital tv broadcasts using an Android cellphone without the need for quota or internet access.Digital tv broadcast receiving devices are divided into two, namely digital TV set top boxes that are connected to televisions and DVB T 2 sticks which are used for Android phones."We can also use it to watch digital TV broadcasts using a PC or laptop," he explained at the Technical Guidance for the Use of Digital TV and STB Applications in the face of ASO implementation, Monday (20 June 2022).Meanwhile, the DVB T2 set top box has three variants based on its capabilities, namely the Standard STB used by the general public, the Hybrid STB, and the Smart STB Hybrid.The Indonesian government through the Ministry of Communications and Informatics is also conducting a program to switch Analog TV broadcasts to digital TV broadcasts or Analog Switch Off (ASO) since 30 April 2022 and is planned to be completed no later than 2 November 2022. (C)Report: Aisyah Welina Editor: Sarini Ido