Getting to know STB and DVB -T2 on Digital TV Broadcast - Your Tech Update

2022-05-21 02:13:19 By : Mr. Vinci Tan, Jakarta – Reports about programs from Kominfo regarding Analog Switch Off (ASO) or the migration of analog TV broadcasts to digital TV have certainly spread widely.Not a few of the people who may still feel confused about how to change their analog TV to be able to change to digital TV broadcasts.No need to worry, because even if the broadcasting technology is digital, old analog televisions can still be used.It is enough to add STB for DVB-T2.Then pair it with an old television.Set Top Box (STB) or by the people of Indonesia is usually called a decoder (decoder) and some people call it a receiver.Also Read: Knowing the Difference Between Analog TV and Digital TV You Need to KnowSTB is an important component in the migration of analog TV technology to digital TV.With STB, people can watch digital broadcast television with better quality than analog TV broadcasts.STB is an information technology device whose main components are processor and memory chips.Its main task is to process digital signals into analog signals.Processing the input (signal captured by the UHF antenna) digital broadcast, then output in the form of images and sound to analog television.It is easy for this STB to be called a “translator”.STB allows analog television sets to read digital signals captured by the antenna.As a device, STB is also able to provide additional features such as disaster information.The broadcast can also be adjusted according to the age of the audience.So that parents can regulate what children can watch.Reported from Kominfo (19/5), that in the broadcasting world in Indonesia, the signal used is the Digital Video Broadcast Terrestrial Second Generation (DVB-T2) signal.DVB-T2 signal is a type of digital signal that is read and decoded from the latest digital transmission processing system developed by the DVB project.Where the system is able to change the file size of a video to be smaller without reducing the quality of the video.Also Read: "Check the Waves" Digital TV Broadcasts Can Be Through This ApplicationIn DVB-T2, what is meant by T2 is that the letter T (terrestrial) contains important information, namely the STB is intended for terrestrial or over-the-air broadcasts.Keep in mind that television broadcasting can also be done via cable, satellite, or the internet.The STB is also different such as STB DVB-C (cable), DVB-S (satellite), DVB-IPTV (Internet Protocol TV)).While the number 2 shows the technology applied is the second generation.It has been upgraded from the previous generation.So, people don't need to be confused anymore, because analog TV can still be used to enjoy digital broadcasts by simply adding STB for DVB-T2.